I don't think that's too great of an idea. Even if they're AD you have to consider if they have CC or not, if they do then get Merc Treads. Also, the Thornmail would be the only way you can damage them so dodging any attacks while you force them to hit you can result in the carry getting away with sneaky **** that they do.
Yi for example, low HP, high DPS. If you can survive a few auto attacks from him with a Thornmail on then you just killed a carry.
Yi for example, low HP, high DPS. If you can survive a few auto attacks from him with a Thornmail on then you just killed a carry.
Thank you, how I analyze when to get boots...
1. High amount of CC? > Merc Treads
2. High amount of AD? > Ninja Tabi? (For now I will say no for tanks)
3. If they have neither...???
I have ended up getting berserker's greaves on Shen simply because I didn't see anything else worth getting (which made me feel kinda silly...). Maybe Boots of Swifness? Or just get Merc Treads always even if only 1 or 2 have cc?
1. High amount of CC? > Merc Treads
2. High amount of AD? > Ninja Tabi? (For now I will say no for tanks)
3. If they have neither...???
I have ended up getting berserker's greaves on Shen simply because I didn't see anything else worth getting (which made me feel kinda silly...). Maybe Boots of Swifness? Or just get Merc Treads always even if only 1 or 2 have cc?
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
another thing too, with shen, is that your passive activates every 8 seconds, and getting hit by an enemy champion reduces that by 2 seconds.
i think i used to get dodge on amumu, but then stopped because every time i was hit it reduced cd on tantrum.
as for other choices i'd probably go with swiftness, but thats just me.
i think i used to get dodge on amumu, but then stopped because every time i was hit it reduced cd on tantrum.
as for other choices i'd probably go with swiftness, but thats just me.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Alright then if you want to be mean:
Corki in the database has - "Mage, Stun, Farmer, Pusher, Nuke, Ranged, Pet" (Stun) Wait what! Pet?!
Ezreal has: "Assassin, Stun, Farmer, Carry, Ranged" (Stun)
Kat: Oh so she doesn't have one, but most Kat's get Rylai's...
Morde:..... SHUT UP!
Sivir:.... SHUT UP!
I'm beginning to think the database needs some serious changes...
Corki in the database has - "Mage, Stun, Farmer, Pusher, Nuke, Ranged, Pet" (Stun) Wait what! Pet?!
Ezreal has: "Assassin, Stun, Farmer, Carry, Ranged" (Stun)
Kat: Oh so she doesn't have one, but most Kat's get Rylai's...
Morde:..... SHUT UP!
Sivir:.... SHUT UP!
I'm beginning to think the database needs some serious changes...
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I was thinking Ninja Tabi offered you more survivability, but would inherently damage the other team less because you would be dodging their attacks. The same goes for stacking dodge runes.
So what should a tank do? Or is there some mechanic I'm unaware of?
Thank you!