Annie and Lux, pretty straight forward champions with combos you can easily learn
Orianna and Lulu, both provide loads of utility and their ultimates are pretty effective in team fights
Ahri and Yasuo, both assassin type champions with high pick potential
Lissandra, not sure how this pick develops after the slight buffs but a really interesting champion
Orianna and Lulu, both provide loads of utility and their ultimates are pretty effective in team fights
Ahri and Yasuo, both assassin type champions with high pick potential
Lissandra, not sure how this pick develops after the slight buffs but a really interesting champion
Thanks to Natuhlee for this sig!
Thank you all for the information. 😜 I think i'm gone take Zed
Build: (Sometimes Hexdrinker) The Brutalizer > Bilgewater Cutlass > Youmuu's Ghostblade > Blade of the Ruined King > Ionian Boots of Lucidity > Last Whisper or Infinity Edge then a defensive item > Guardian Angel / Banshee's Veil / Randuin's Omen
I stopped playing him for a while then tried out this build and my win ratio started to increase a lot, in the past 4-5 days I've played maybe 15 games of Zed and won about 12-13 of them.
Build: (Sometimes Hexdrinker) The Brutalizer > Bilgewater Cutlass > Youmuu's Ghostblade > Blade of the Ruined King > Ionian Boots of Lucidity > Last Whisper or Infinity Edge then a defensive item > Guardian Angel / Banshee's Veil / Randuin's Omen
I stopped playing him for a while then tried out this build and my win ratio started to increase a lot, in the past 4-5 days I've played maybe 15 games of Zed and won about 12-13 of them.
Check out my Signature Shop if you want a sig like this | +Rep is nice If I helped you!
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I'm looking for a new midlaner , but there are so many champions .
My last mid-champion was Heimerdinger.
Pls give some suggestions...