Max Carter wrote:
Best Options: Anivia, Cassiopeia, Galio, Talon, Xerath, Malzahar
Anivia's huge burst is incomparable to Ryze. Unless he gets that quick Banshee's Veil, he's not stopping you anytime soon. Cassiopeia's DoT and burst can continually destroy Ryze on out-damage him while being snared by Rune Prison. Galio just stacks magic resistance and wins game. Talon can quickly assassinate Ryze before he knows what's happened. He can't even counter-attack. Xerath's range is far too great for Ryze to get close to him, and when he does he'll get stunned. Malzahar: Bush Combo and anyone would die.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
On the topic of creep score, you should have 75 by ten minutes, which is 3/4 of the minions. Its hard to get, but cs wins the lane oftentimes. Personally, i have tried many ap carries, and i am truly in love with vladimir. He has amazing sustain, is not mana oriented, has a COMPLETELY gamechanging ult (20% dmg amp for your entire team) and has the gay pool which means you can tower dive almost anyone, and escape most ganks. Because of the around 11 sec cd on his pool, it is amazingly easy to run without flash or ghost. I find i do amazingly well with him, and i got my second penta with him, i almost got two pentas in one game, but ashe flashed into her base :( remember, cs is your goal, do not spam your abilities on minions, use them to harass, but without missing cs. Dont over push your lane, so only aa a creep when you know you will deal the killing blow.
Max Carter wrote:
I find Katarina really strong vs Ryze. At least before end game Ryze (to tanky).
He is kinda squishy early and mid game and can't do much to stop Katarina.
On the subject of mpen, percent reductions are almost never superior to subtractions from items. Because percent only works better if they are ofer 100 mres, and also because subtractive mpen is deducted first. So if your mpen is 25/40% and say they have 100 mres, it will first be reduced to 75, and then 40%i is taken from that overall. Which will only subtract a further 30 mres. Personally, i almost never go void staff unless mthey all have over 120 mres, if i am in a tough mid lane i will rush a spirit visage( for vladimir) and request a few ganks. But that is just my ten cents on the issue. I find rushing a rabadons and hextech is more advantageous than rushing mres.
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