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Warwick Help

Creator: PFP December 23, 2010 8:26pm
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PFP's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 23, 2010 8:26pm | Report
I also put this at the bottom of my Warwick guide, as I was planning on making another guide to be the complete comprehensive guide to this champion but realized I do not have the time or willpower to do so as there is too much to explain. I can also help with Twisted Fate as he is my most-played champion.

I play Warwick with a much faster jungling route dedicated to getting every dragon and shutting down the enemy jungle, then supporting my team with my surpression to feed my carry kills. It's a whole different ballgame for Warwick in Ranked Premades and my item build changes every single game. If you'd like to become the best possible Warwick player and learn what items to use in which situations and so on and so forth, add me on my smurf's/build testing account: Joshtacular. I can help you with any questions you have as well as show you the fastest jungling route for Warwick (much different then the one posted in my build) and how to be the most effective with him. This build works great in solo queue and ranked solo, but if you plan on playing LoL for a long time, you'll come to realize premades are much more fun and competitive. I was originally planning on making a definitive Warwick guide with situational item paths and all, but most people (90%) that visit this website aren't looking for that in=depth of a guide to a champion. So if you are truly serious just add me on my smurf and play a couple games with me.

Yeah, so not sure if anyone actually wants or needs help, but since I decided not to make another build I thought I could at least do this to help people out.
Dirty Goolash
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Mar 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 23, 2010 9:15pm | Report
How often are you online?
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2010 9:12am | Report
Question - you mention shutting down the enemy jungle. How exactly do you do that? When I solo queue with Amumu and see that they have a jungler, I take my team and go straight to their golem. If they come to get it, we gank them. If not, I steal their golem.

Is jungling deny any different than that - is it more sophisticated?
PFP's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2010 12:45pm | Report
I'm not online that often, but if you contact me through email or this site I can set up time.

For shutting down the jungle I just mean taking every buff without a problem, making the other jungler's life miserable by stealing his buffs, taking every dragon, and where exactly to ward for maximum effectiveness to see the other jungler at all times and to control every buff. It's nearly impossible to do that with Amumu these days, any jungler that needs golem buff to start can easily be shut down by Warwick [when played properly]. Taking the enemy golem when playing against amumu, fiddle, and the like is a good way to start of course.
capi's Forum Avatar
Nov 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2010 2:41pm | Report
I like to think I have a decent warwick, but since I find myself playing him more and more, I'd totally be down for a ingame chat maybe speed up my jungle route etc. "Capiloco" is my ingame name, when you're on, maybe we can have a chat.

Xaioli's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2010 6:47pm | Report
I've also seen junglers place wards at the enemy red/blue buff and teleport in. Thieves!
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2010 7:00pm | Report
Xaioli wrote:

I've also seen junglers place wards at the enemy red/blue buff and teleport in. Thieves!


PFP's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2011 8:48pm | Report
Yep, when I'm playing Warwick in ranked I assume there will always be an enemy jungler and I drop a sight ward at their blue right at the start and Teleport in :D

@Capi: I'll add you when I get the chance give me about a week, haven't been able to play much lately as I have been on vacation.
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2011 9:06am | Report
PFP, we could have so much fun :D.. If I was playing US : /
PFP's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2011 5:34am | Report
I was looking forward to you counter-jungling with Eve, and me jungling with Shaco :(

Sooo many ganks, so little time.
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