Rubens, personally I would say Katarina is the best, her ultimate has a short cooldown and deals massive AOE damage. Shunpo can be great for catching up to enemies or escaping, she has a good number of range skills and her overall damage is just friggin' insane. She can easily get double kills, and is not very hard to play. Another bonus: doesn't work on Mana.
Akali is pretty much the same as katarina but is realllly squishy in the start, however she can become a monster mid-late game. (I can't really comment about her, since I don't own her as a champ, but in all the games I have played against her she has been extreamly powerful late game). Another champ that doesn't work on Mana.
Olaf is a beefy champ who can just become...scary... late game. Early and Mid game can be quite boring, and undertow can be quite hard to aim. I wouldnt recommend you getting him after the recent nerfs. But if you enjoy being a viking version of HE-MAN who dances to techno music, then go for it.
Xin Zhao is and always has been a solid melee champ. Throwing people into the air can just be annoying as hell, combined with his big damage and CC potential, he can be a huge team credit.
Jax is actually a very balanced champion, if he gets fed, hes going to unleash hell and literally solo 2-3 champions and maybe even a turrent. However if he doesn't get fed, hes going to be boring and lame all game. Jax can be quite difficult to play *inb4 right clicking isn't hard*, jumping and smacking people in the face, is great fun, but people can run away from jax pretty easily, and jax can easily be countered with (for example) Sword of the Divine.
In order: Katarina, Akali, Jax, Xin, Olaf
Akali is pretty much the same as katarina but is realllly squishy in the start, however she can become a monster mid-late game. (I can't really comment about her, since I don't own her as a champ, but in all the games I have played against her she has been extreamly powerful late game). Another champ that doesn't work on Mana.
Olaf is a beefy champ who can just become...scary... late game. Early and Mid game can be quite boring, and undertow can be quite hard to aim. I wouldnt recommend you getting him after the recent nerfs. But if you enjoy being a viking version of HE-MAN who dances to techno music, then go for it.
Xin Zhao is and always has been a solid melee champ. Throwing people into the air can just be annoying as hell, combined with his big damage and CC potential, he can be a huge team credit.
Jax is actually a very balanced champion, if he gets fed, hes going to unleash hell and literally solo 2-3 champions and maybe even a turrent. However if he doesn't get fed, hes going to be boring and lame all game. Jax can be quite difficult to play *inb4 right clicking isn't hard*, jumping and smacking people in the face, is great fun, but people can run away from jax pretty easily, and jax can easily be countered with (for example) Sword of the Divine.
In order: Katarina, Akali, Jax, Xin, Olaf
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Guides By RestrictNine, A.K.A. Taggrin