We plan to only have 1 filter option per guide. If there is enough content in your guide to actually classify it as a guide for 2 roles / maps just make a separate guide and link it in your other guide. Guides almost always have a focus on a role / map playstyle.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Mowen wrote:
We plan to only have 1 filter option per guide. If there is enough content in your guide to actually classify it as a guide for 2 roles / maps just make a separate guide and link it in your other guide. Guides almost always have a focus on a role / map playstyle.
ok thanks, I was just wondering. It'll have to do then ^^
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If you go to edit or post a guide you will see three new drop downs in the sidebar tool box, that allow you to select a Map, Lane and Role for your guide. We will be using this information in various ways across the site. I highly recommend you head over to your guide and fill out these fields right away, so that your guide is prepared for these upcoming features!
The first way we will use this information is on an improved champion guide browser that will help users to find the type of guide they want much more accurately. This is not only a better reader experience, but it is good for authors as well. You will have more exposure for your guides as they will be competing against a much smaller group, and the readers that do land on your guide will find it to be much more relevant to their interests which should give you a much more positive reception and hopefully better feedback.
I can't say too much more right now but, there is a lot more to come! In the mean time, go tag your guides! :)