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Plan for vintage Limited Edition skins

Creator: Mowen October 10, 2013 8:13pm
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 8:33pm | Report
A good idea. The way I look at it, anyone with a problem has 2 options.

1. Shut up and buy/don't buy the skins that Riot has generously decided to make available again.


2. ***** loudly about it on forums and make petitions to make it stop.

The second option seems like a massive waste of time and effort.

To me, anyone doing that seems like a snotty *** kid throwing a tantrum at his birthday party because the other kids were allowed to have a piece of his cake too.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 8:37pm | Report
RIOT, your skins will make a fine addition to my collection.

(Anyone know the reference? I know it's a bad movie but still..)
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 8:38pm | Report
Can't say that I do... :/
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 9:35pm | Report
Okay 1 last thing, I promise.

Let's say you buy this cake when there are only 5 people at a party.

A few birthday parties later when there are lots of kids, 1 kid throws a tantrum because he didn't get the exact same cake as the other kid. His parents being Riot employees, decided to give him this cake and ****ting on the original owner of the cake.

Do you want your cake being copied OTG, DO YOU? THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T, IT'S YOUR MOTHERF***ing CAKE!
GG, cake examples op
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 10:52pm | Report
except thats a cake something someone has to make whereas these are skins, which is just code that can be easily copied infinite times

the difference between "limited" skins and some rare thing in the physical world is that you can sell the real world thing for money and its price goes up because you sell it for real world money, you cannot sell your own limited skin without breaking the ToS, so whining about other people getting it is kinda dumb

and think about it this way youll still be the only person in your game using that skin if you use that skin, unless its blind pick or the one for all mode theyre making
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 11:03pm | Report
you still get an icon and stuff on your loading screen, quit complaining.

Jesus promised the end of all wicked people.
Odin promised the end of all ice giants.
I don't see many ice giants around.
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 11:03pm | Report
Dillbutt, it's an example.
We're not talking about how easy it is to implement the skins into the game. We're talking about why they should / shouldn't be implemented into the game...
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 11:11pm | Report
then use a better example than a real world object lol

my point is that its just code, you arnt special because you have code when other people couldnt have code because you cant sell that code for money and that code can easily be duplicated infinite times meaning that code isnt special unless you want to feel special for having something someone else doesnt have, even though its just code that can be copied

the people saying they shouldnt bring them back is because " ): they wont be special cuz other people will have them!" but who cares if other people have them? its something that can be infinitely reproduced, i understand people feeling that way about something that there is only 10 of in the world that cannot be reproduced

plus the people with the skins get to have a summoner icon no one else will have that can be seen on the loading screen/pregame lobby/endgame stats along with the vintage thing on the loading screen so theyre still going to have something special
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 1:18am | Report
Why are people making a deal about skins anyway? How can it have any negative effects that Riot decides to give the player more options?

This is a win-win situation, we can get skins again that we cannot get on a normal day and Riot gets more money because of it. Why would you be against it?

Sure uniqueness might be damaged, but who cares? Are you buying a skin to be unique or are you buying a skin to have awesome looks (or just have RP left)? If you want to be unique, go ADC Heimerdinger, I don't see a reason to make a fuss about some skins released that would be unavailable otherwise.

sirell wrote:

Is this who I think it is?

Don't think you know the guy
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Bludes
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-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
-NA- Veng Lmfao's Forum Avatar
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 1:44am | Report
Dillbutt your argument has so many questionable statements, but I'll just point out one.
How is my example wrong? I can't dumb it down for you anymore dude, you might have to re-visit Kindergarten if my example didn't sum up the situation.

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