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DawnFire, Please

Creator: Subzero008 July 25, 2014 8:23pm
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Subzero008's Forum Avatar
Jun 18th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2014 1:32pm | Report
LevasK wrote:

Subzero008- If you want to ask about the possibility of another "Fire" site, why not just pm the admins? Creating a thread in off topic section seems--- pointless.

We (Aphnex, UnknownPandr, JararoNatsu, and a few others) did a few months ago. She said it looked like an cool game. Like, that was it. Not another word, nothing else about the subject in the past few months.

Judging by how WildFire crashed and burned, the disappearance of HoNFire, etc, I've been hoping to, well, show that Dawnfire won't be like the rest of them. Hence, the public forums. It's probably more convincing than five individuals PM-ing Mowen, anyway.
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2014 1:45pm | Report
A poll also shows interest if everyone votes no Mowen will see it, if everyone votes yes it will be more likely to be bumped up on the MobaFireNetwork Radar. Giving Dawn Gate fans a new place to hang and write guides

but it's not like this poll thread is going to be the ultimate decision maker it's more or less to see how every one feels about Dawn Gate. As for me I wouldn't really use it a whole lot :(
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2014 7:10pm | Report
LevasK wrote:

Subzero008- If you want to ask about the possibility of another "Fire" site, why not just pm the admins? Creating a thread in off topic section seems--- pointless.

Exactly this.

Pitch the idea to the admins first. Then check to see if it will garner interest. Because if the admins refuse it for whatever reasons, then there's no need to ask for people's interest, since the idea isn't feasible in the first place.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2014 7:38pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Um, the title says DawnFire.

Which means I'm hoping for a Fire site.

Which means I'm asking for another Fire site.

Now, who is in charge of Fire sites?


Which means I am asking Mowen to make a Dawnfire site.

Hopefully this explanation is simplistic enough for you.

Mowen has absolutely nothing to do with making a new site, she's a social admin meant to moderate the forums that Matt and FlashJ created.

Makes me sad when people don't even know who the real driving force behind Mobafire is :(

caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2014 8:15pm | Report
i hate how even though its a technical alpha blizzard dota has blizards name slapped on it and people eat that **** up. its so ****ing awful.

i havnt looked at dawngate (seeing eas name turned me off instantly) but i think strife is worthy of a fire website.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2014 4:33am | Report
caucheka wrote:

its so ****ing awful.

isn't that the same thing that most of the people who play lol/dota2 say about dota2/lol? I don't think that saying "its so ****ing awful" is a valid point.
"Such fascinating evolution."
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2014 3:33pm | Report
>no last hitting
>no gold
>no items
>****ty grindcoins/real money for characters
>grindcoins for statbuffs
>focus on several different maps with a 'unique' gameplay twist for the map
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2014 3:38pm | Report
Now those are valid points.
"Some call it magic. I call it good graphic."
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2014 4:16pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Congratulations. Here's a cookie.

Is it a cookie, or a cookie008?

And I see it comes with a side of double post.
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