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I'm back

Creator: MyBloodisBlack October 5, 2016 9:52am
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MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 9:52am | Report
Hello everyone,

I know I have been a pain in the past but I am back with a more positive and less arrogant attitude than some of you may remember me for.

I would like the chance to earn people respect on MOBAfire and to make friends with fellow players so that I can play with people and hopefully learn to be a better player myself by learning from you guys if I am allowed to of course.

I am sure some of you may be hesitant to give me a chance because of how I used to be but please just allow me a chance, get to know me as a person rather than just the person who writes on a forum and you may find I am not as horrible as I may have made myself out to be.
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 10:39am | Report
Oh boy.
"Doing something, almost being done, then parents come in and don't let you finish.
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 10:57am | Report
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 12:28pm | Report
Searz wrote:
Oh boy.

OK Let us sort this out like adults - Why do you two have something against me? Please be honest without reverting to immature comments
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 3:57pm | Report
Eh, don't group me with GMD. I'm just mentally preparing myself.
"If someone is ****, you point at them and declare "****!". Because this is the internet." - Serpentiferous

"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and little girls are the FBI." - ???
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 5, 2016 4:43pm | Report
Searz wrote:
Eh, don't group me with GMD. I'm just mentally preparing myself.

And why exactly do you need to mentally prepare yourself? Am I really that bad? I really do not understand the hostility this forum has for me when I have been respectful and always wanted to learn how to play League :/
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2016 1:14am | Report
Welcome back! :) Nearly at 1000 posts!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 6, 2016 8:10am | Report

OK Let us sort this out like adults - Why do you two have something against me? Please be honest without reverting to immature comments

Nah. Also, no can't do champ.

Searz wrote:
Eh, don't group me with GMD. I'm just mentally preparing myself.

And why exactly do you need to mentally prepare yourself? Am I really that bad? I really do not understand the hostility this forum has for me when I have been respectful and always wanted to learn how to play League :/

jhoijhoi wrote:
Welcome back! :) Nearly at 1000 posts!

Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2016 8:21am | Report

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- met hans
- ja, goedemiddag
- het is nog morgen hoor
- o, dan bel ik u vanmiddag terug
Quite Nomible
Quite Nomible's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2016 8:41am | Report
just some advice by the way: there's pretty much no point in talking all about your own attitude so much on just an internet forum. it's not like we're here to judge you for it or something (and even if we did, you shouldnt be listening. real life matters a lot more). if you're constantly thinking about this stuff you're not making it easy for yourself, and in the end neither for others.

ik heb geen hoge pet van mezelf. als ik mezelf zie op televisie dan denk ik: dat kan ik ook wel.
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