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Creator: Vynertje August 3, 2015 11:59am
541 posts - page 52 of 55
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2016 5:14am | Report
I'm mostly worried that a lot of buttons on the side will make each individual one harder to press (again, I don't have small hands), and I don't think I'll get much use out of more than two anyway.

As for grabbing another G500, I can't actually find any (web)shops in the Netherlands that offer it anymore, probably since newer models have replaced it.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2016 5:51am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:
I'm mostly worried that a lot of buttons on the side will make each individual one harder to press (again, I don't have small hands), and I don't think I'll get much use out of more than two anyway.

If you are interested in mice with many buttons, just go to some store and try if you can indentify and press every button.
You can prohably find a g500 on ebay, but if no store has one, it will prohably be used or overpriced.
If we exclude the G500, there is the g502(more buttons and two scroll wheel modes but will eat all your budget) and the g402(cheaper but less functions, also lighter) from logitech, both are pretty great.
Razer also has the deathadder and corsair has a couple of mice that fit your requirements as well(I can't really comment on any of them). You should also consider the final mouse(main selling points are a great sensor and really low weight). I didn't nearly cover the whole market of two button mice in here(I am not really up to date when it comes to gaming mice and everyone and their mother has a mouse with two thumb buttons for 80€ or less), so wait for some more comments
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2016 4:44pm | Report
Here's my late assessment of Logitech G402 after a couple of months use:

I'm not happy. The pinky-grip area has been improved and having longer main mouse buttons is nice, but there have been big regressions in comfort from the G400 for somebody like me with large hands that uses palm-grip.
Most notably: the thumb area is garbage. The "sniper" button and empty space just above it are the main culprits here. The button sits way too high and the empty space above means that I just have a narrow strip to hold on to with my thumb, and it's not comfortable. And then there's the fact that if I place my thumb so far forward I can't reach the first of the top thumb-buttons. This thumb area just screams fingertip-grip to me; seems like it would work perfectly for that, but that's not a grip-style that I like, so it's quite bad for me.

The other big problem I have with it is the reduced height. It just doesn't each all the way into my palm and that makes it much more annoying to lift the mouse (something you do often in FPS games).

I considered G502 too, but it looks to have similar thumb-rest problem (the damn thumb area just ends O.o) along with also being smaller and heavier, which doesn't sit right with my hands.
As for dpi, I and as far as I remember everyone I asked before is using ~1000 dpi. I used something around 2000 before, but 1000 feels way better. You really don't need a mouse that can do more than ~3-4000 dpi.
You should try stepping that down to 800. Most mice have a native DPI step of 800 (meaning no count/line-skipping) and the lower your DPI the higher the precision (this is an intrinsic quality of mouse sensors since they're essentially just very low resolution ~20x20 pixels, high speed cameras and raising DPI is similar to raising ISO in a camera).
A DPI higher than 4000 is literally pointless. Mice usually get ripple problems at such high sensitivities. Just grab a mouse with a good sensor. A "perfect" sensor as some like to refer to it as; a sensor without any kind of acceleration or interpolation.
Wayne3100 wrote:
As for grabbing another G500, I can't actually find any (web)shops in the Netherlands that offer it anymore, probably since newer models have replaced it.
That's the same problem I got. I honestly would have grabbed another G400 if it wasn't out of production; it's simply not sold anywhere anymore. Pretty much only Ebay still has it.
I'm considering buying new teflon feet though since that's the part of mine that wore out.
Wayne3100 wrote:
- is comfortable (I realise this is subjective, but keep in mind I don't exactly have small hands)
- has 2 side buttons (a few more is fine, but I don't need a second keyboard on there)
- is accurate enough to play games such as League, Smite and Overwatch (casually); I'm not an expert on which DPI settings are best for that purpose but I'm pretty sure I don't need it to go up to a million :P
First you'll have to define your grip-type. How do you prefer holding the mouse? Do you prefer keeping your palm on top of the mouse? That's palm-grip. Do you prefer holding it with some distance between palm and mouse, that's fingertip-grip. Claw-grip is a weird one that most people don't use, but it has similar mouse requirements to that of fingertip-grip. Palm-grip is the least fatiguing grip-style, and the one I'd recommend for FPS gaming.

Next you'll need to define your hand size. Palm grip especially is sensitive to the hand-size of the user. Some mice are simply too small to use palm-grip on if you have large hands. Measure the length and width of your hand when holding it flat on a surface.

My hands are roughly 20cm long by 11cm wide, and I'm having serious trouble finding mice that are large enough to support palm-grip. G400 is the only one I've found so far, and still my favorite. G500 was a no-go for me not only because of the high weight and slippery sides (I lift my mouse a lot, not all people will have that issue) but also because it's smaller. I'd rather go even larger than G400 than smaller.

I'm considering getting a Final Mouse Ergo, but I'm a bit scared that it's too small, so I'm not sure I wanna pull the trigger.
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 6:30am | Report
I definitely use palm-grip, not sure which of the mice is best suited for that though. The G502 seems to have less thumb space than the G500 did, while opinions on whether or not the Razer Deathadder fits that grip seem to be mixed based on what I've read so far. Might be better to go to the store and have a feel first :P

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 10:52am | Report
I've tried Deathadder. Definitely not good for palm-grip if you have large hands. How large are yours?
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I blurted out loud, in a dead silent theater full of teenage girls on opening night "Wait a minute, Edward has no blood flow. How does he get an erection?" I heard several men laughing, and had several girls turn and stare at me.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 1:01pm | Report
I'm gonna go through the top20 most popular mice in my country and comment on them. You seem to have similar preferences Wayne, so you'd probably dislike the same things.
To make my preferences clear: I have large hands (20*11cm) and prefer using palm-grip. I play a lot of FPS games and consider ergonomics the most important quality of a mouse (because ergonomics indirectly affect precision by affecting how you move your mouse), with sensor quality coming after that.

I'm skipping mice that are older versions of the same model and wireless mice that are obviously not built for for gaming.

My opinions on top20 most popular mice:

So to summarize the interesting ones are Monix Castor and Steelseries Rival 300. Or Logitech G900 if you're made of money.
Also found this. Castor seems too small for me :/

Another mouse I've been interested in is Fimalmouse Ergo. It has a similar ring-finger-rest to that of G400/G500 (which the reviewer disliked, hah). My only worry is that it might be a bit too small.
Here's a video on it.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 2:53pm | Report
Oh, after looking around a bit more I've noticed that Zowie EC1-A isn't an older version of EC2-A. It's actually just a larger version. That is some real dumb naming scheme right there. Why not just name it EC2-L? (as in large)
Since size was a primary concern with with the smaller model EC2-A it does seem like a solid choice now; another contender along with Castor, Rival 300 and Ergo.

I've found a fifth contender in Cougar 550m. It's a very large mouse with a nice-looking shape. No ring-finger-rest though. Only Castor and Ergo seem to have that of the five so far.
I'm a strong independent black mage who don't need no mana.
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 3:04pm | Report
Well, apparently my hands are pretty average size for a male: they're roughly ~19cm long, while the width should be near the value mentioned on that page as well (not entirely sure since it apparently depends solely on palm width, which I didn't measure).

With that said, I'm using a really small free mouse atm since my G500 died completely (we're talking something as small as this), and while it's nowhere near as comfortable we're several hours in and I haven't actually had the urge to end my life yet despite obviously not being able to use that with a palm-grip. Maybe I've just been used to it because of the mouse I had rather than being entirely against using another type of grip?

Either way, I'll be visiting my friend tomorrow to test his Deathadder for a bit; if that ends up not being to my liking, I'll probably look into the Finalmouse Ergo you linked, that one looks good.

Thanks for the suggestions and good luck in your own search as well ;)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 8:06pm | Report
I'm also on the lookout for a new keyboard. Requirements:

Backlighting. Not fuzzy about the color.

Compact, without numpad. I very rarely get much use out of my numpad. I've got over 80 keys left even with the 16 keys on the numpad gone, and I'm likely never even gonna need all 80. I'd rather make more room for my mouse.

Linear mechanical switches. Preferably Cherry MX Red or switches with similar actuation force (45g).

No unnecessary shielding/shell. I'd like the keys to simply be connected to a flat base-plate with nothing covering the base-plate around the keys. This makes cleaning it a hell of a lot easier. (look at pictures in the links below if you don't understand)

So far I've found only two keyboards that fulfill my requirements:
Ozone Strike Battle (lol, what a name) - It has a great price and is super compact, the only problem is that it looks like **** with the red base-plate (the black model only comes with Brown switches).
Corsair K65 RGB - a bit bigger on the top, but sides are still slim, so it's fine. It's also on the more expensive side of things.

Know any keyboards that fulfill these requirements? Please tell me about them!
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 8:44pm | Report
i've been using my corsair k70 for 3~4 years now and it's still going strong though i know you dont want a numpad.

i know a friend that has the k65 and said it was pretty longlasting as well

good luck

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