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The Sam Pepper controversy

Creator: Searz September 26, 2014 2:48pm
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 9:48am | Report
I think some sections would help making Jack's post more coherent, that's all.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 10:11am | Report
xIchi wrote:
cat-calleing is when you whistle at a female and making sexual suggestions (you know how that looks like, dunno how to describe it in words).
Allthough, I can't really imagine it happening, unless they are super desperate :^) in context, no offense.

Yeah although there are lines between cat-calling, sexual harassment, and simply expressing your interest and/or complimenting a woman. Not that I'm implying that Sammie didn't cross the line, but merely mentioning that there's a big difference. I think people are a little too sensitive these days, in more ways than one.

I mean passing everything off as sexual harassment is just going to lower the standard incident after incident. I mean if you get pinched in the bottom, do you really feel sexually violated? Is it crossing a line? I'd say so. Is it obnoxious? Most likely. However, passing something like that off as harassment is just silly. Again I must stress that I do not condone this idiot's actions. "Social experiments" are about a lot more than that.

In the end I think a lot of people have grown more sceptical over the years considering the fact almost everything is about to be passed off as sexual harassment, which is not a great trend for when people actually want to be taken seriously. I mean it's kind of sad when stories like these aren't immediately believed just because of a certain trend. I suppose girls can cry wolf too.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 10:41am | Report
True, tho.
People are really self-conscious nowadays, and most things are regarded as offensive.

You can already see it on the street, go try to ask 2 girls for direction with 4 boys in a car, and like srsly no cat-calling or anything. Just asking the direction. We got ignored 3 times in a row cause people feel like we are offending them.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 11:24am | Report
xIchi wrote:
You can already see it on the street, go try to ask 2 girls for direction with 4 boys in a car, and like srsly no cat-calling or anything. Just asking the direction. We got ignored 3 times in a row cause people feel like we are offending them.

Damn that's pretty stupid. Come to think of it, that would definitely make for a fun social experiment. You know, an actual one.
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 11:34am | Report
it's not like i have to write a detailed comment everytime

It's definitely not about detail.
I'm remarking at your comments because they're hard to read and understand. Bad English is one thing, but combined with poor structure it becomes a pain to understand.
Your comments are just big blobs of poorly punctuated, grammatically wrong texts. And making a coherent comment in such things is pretty much out the window.

Just look at how I break up my comments into sections to make them easier to read for others.
I take the time to do that because I want my comments to be read and understood easily.
And if you want yours to be read I suggest you spend a little time learning about how you can get better at presenting your opinion in text.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 11:41am | Report
BlueArtist wrote:
Ridiculous claims, evidently he is also dumb as a ****ing brick. He couldn't even find a legit argument for people to believe him, so he came up with these ********:
Sam Pepper's Claims

I'm gonna have to disagree here. These claims aren't ridiculous in and of themselves.
What makes the claims ridiculous is the fact that he himself has been HANDCUFFING HIMSELF TO STRANGERS. Making him a huge hypocrite when it comes to talking about personal boundaries and rights.

So yeah, I'd agree that he's about as dumb as a brick too.
sssuming all the girls who allegedly claimed Sam Pepper assaulted them were lying, let's focus on his youtube videos. Just watch his videos. What he calls a "prank" is simply blatant sexual harassment in different forms. You could see every single one of them shows he is simply a sexual predator, and there really aren't any arguments against that fact, regardless of the authenticity of the girls' claims.

Nonono, you're taking it a bit too far. His videos do prove that he has no qualms about crossing other peoples' personal boundaries however. Combine that with actual claims of sexual misconduct and he clearly seems to be a sexual predator.
XeresAce wrote:
Agreed. He should definitely stop and measures have been taken against him already - does he deserve to go to court? Yes. Does he need to spend life in Jail? No, not unless we get further proof. Groping girls is not the same as rape... those are two completely different things. Considering how negatively he replied to laci green he seems beyond hope for redemption so they should probably just ban his videos, restrict him access from his account (thus restricting his source of income) and throw him in jail for a month or so.

Erm.. If the rape thing is true I'm pretty sure he deserves a lot longer than a month in jail. watch the video if you haven't yet:
Yeah although there are lines between cat-calling, sexual harassment, and simply expressing your interest and/or complimenting a woman. Not that I'm implying that Sammie didn't cross the line, but merely mentioning that there's a big difference. I think people are a little too sensitive these days, in more ways than one.

I mean passing everything off as sexual harassment is just going to lower the standard incident after incident. I mean if you get pinched in the bottom, do you really feel sexually violated? Is it crossing a line? I'd say so. Is it obnoxious? Most likely. However, passing something like that off as harassment is just silly. Again I must stress that I do not condone this idiot's actions. "Social experiments" are about a lot more than that.

In the end I think a lot of people have grown more sceptical over the years considering the fact almost everything is about to be passed off as sexual harassment, which is not a great trend for when people actually want to be taken seriously. I mean it's kind of sad when stories like these aren't immediately believed just because of a certain trend. I suppose girls can cry wolf too.

Exactly. This is a problem.
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xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 12:20pm | Report
okay, so I watched some videos.
And it's hard to believe the bad things (we take out the exposed videos that searz linked), mostly due to the 'feminist'-way those youtubers are talking which is really disturbing.

On a way this is kinda heating up the whole hate on feminist thing, while they try to convince people.

Sadly, those feminist are kinda not the real feminist (but the one's who have no idea about equality but just think about women's rights).
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 1:29pm | Report
xIchi wrote:
I can't really imagine it happening, unless they are super desperate :^) in context, no offense.
It has nothing to do with desperation, it's about proving how much of a man you are. And in fact, yes, nearly every night when I walk home from work, some loser hangs his head out of his car to whistle/make degrading sexual comments at me because it's considered socially acceptable to do so and I'm not a hideous troll.
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Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 2:56pm | Report
xIchi wrote:
And it's hard to believe the bad things (we take out the exposed videos that searz linked), mostly due to the 'feminist'-way those youtubers are talking which is really disturbing.

Sadly, those feminist are kinda not the real feminist (but the one's who have no idea about equality but just think about women's rights).

The second part makes no sense grammatically, but I'll assume that you're referring to the people in the videos and that you're saying that they aren't real feminists.
How do you know that? A hunch? Why would they not be for equality? Because you're pidgeon-holing them with the fem-rights feminists?

And in what way does the feminist way of speech differ from the norm? Because I sure as hell don't know of any difference.
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xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2014 3:02pm | Report
Let's say an actual feminist would fight for equal rights, but the average fem-rights feminists would almost talk down on the other gender, creating those said double standards.

And yeah my train of thought is mostly interrupted when I write on the forums, since I do it inbetween games/loadingscreen.

So sometimes I don't really make sense.

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