Kekeke, yes. I have 2 of each. When these cards will be flipped over, even I don't know. Now the question is not "When will Toshabi flip over the cards?" it's "how do I make Toshabi flip over these cards?" That's right. Each day, Toshabi will ask a question. The first person to answer the question will trigger the possibility of me flipping over the cards. Maybe it will be one. Maybe it will be two! Maybe all four of them will get flipped at once. Only you can find out by answering a question.
I also guess the "When will Toshabi Flip a Card" question is valid, because I will check this board 3 times a day. I also guess that means there's no telling if the person who answers the questions correctly will even be the one to redeem the code, KEEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKKE!
Quick Q&A:
Q: How do we even know this screen shot is made by you?
A: My lovely business card is in the center to show proof of Toshabi.
Q: Why this format? Why not have a more simpler giveaway?
A: That's clearly not the Toshabi way of life.
Q: What if a question doesn't get answered for the day?
A: You clearly suck at multiple choice.
Q: Well if it's multiple choice, then what if we just have 4 posters answer all differently since it doesn't matter which matters?
A: Then I will simply accept the current majority choice as the REAL answer, kekeke.
Q: What if it's wrong then? Won't people just troll for the wrong answer? THIS IS STUPID!
Q: What if I'm Jhoijhoi?
A: I'm going to photoshop your face on a can of pringles.
Below you are 4 cards and a picture of a sexy beast. What is underneath them?
A. A brief description of what League of Legends is and a code to redeem the skin.
B. A thin layer of <censored> that was freshly <censored> from the <censored> of Toshabi.
C. A poorly placed tile floor that hasn't been cleaned for weeks.
D. Toshabi's secrely porn cache.
Choose wisely.
[quote=Toshabi]Kekeke, yes. I have 2 of each. When these cards will be flipped over, even I don't know. Now the question is not "When will Toshabi flip over the cards?" it's "how do I make Toshabi flip over these cards?" That's right. Each day, Toshabi will ask a question. The first person to answer the question will trigger the possibility of me flipping over the cards. Maybe it will be one. Maybe it will be two! Maybe all four of them will get flipped at once. Only you can find out by answering a question.
I also guess the "When will Toshabi Flip a Card" question is valid, because I will check this board 3 times a day. I also guess that means there's no telling if the person who answers the questions correctly will even be the one to redeem the code, KEEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKKE!
[b][u]Quick Q&A:[/u][/b]
Q: How do we even know this screen shot is made by you?
A: My lovely business card is in the center to show proof of Toshabi.
Q: Why this format? Why not have a more simpler giveaway?
A: That's clearly not the Toshabi way of life.
Q: What if a question doesn't get answered for the day?
A: You clearly suck at multiple choice.
Q: Well if it's multiple choice, then what if we just have 4 posters answer all differently since it doesn't matter which matters?
A: Then I will simply accept the current majority choice as the REAL answer, kekeke.
Q: What if it's wrong then? Won't people just troll for the wrong answer? THIS IS STUPID!
Q: What if I'm Jhoijhoi?
A: I'm going to photoshop your face on a can of pringles.
[u][b]Below you are 4 cards and a picture of a sexy beast. What is underneath them?[/b][/u]
A. A brief description of what League of Legends is and a code to redeem the skin.
B. A thin layer of <censored> that was freshly <censored> from the <censored> of Toshabi.
C. A poorly placed tile floor that hasn't been cleaned for weeks.
D. Toshabi's secrely porn cache.
Choose wisely.
B. A thin layer of <censored> that was freshly <censored> from the <censored> of Toshabi.
and i would dare to say that its a thin layer of rainbows that was freshly ****ed from the special ***** of toshabi.
[quote=Jack Rubino]B. A thin layer of <censored> that was freshly <censored> from the <censored> of Toshabi.
and i would dare to say that its a thin layer of rainbows that was freshly jizzed from the special dildo of toshabi.[/quote]
I don't understand this giveaway.
I want the free skin for the champion I'll never play tho! ^_^
well, if you tell the secret behind any post, you deny most of the fun.
[quote=Jack Rubino][quote=koksei]
I don't understand this giveaway.
I want the free skin for the champion I'll never play tho! ^_^
well, if you tell the secret behind any post, you deny most of the fun.[/quote]
"Follow no false light."
Special thanks to Vapora Dark!
I also guess the "When will Toshabi Flip a Card" question is valid, because I will check this board 3 times a day. I also guess that means there's no telling if the person who answers the questions correctly will even be the one to redeem the code, KEEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKKE!
Quick Q&A:
Q: How do we even know this screen shot is made by you?
A: My lovely business card is in the center to show proof of Toshabi.
Q: Why this format? Why not have a more simpler giveaway?
A: That's clearly not the Toshabi way of life.
Q: What if a question doesn't get answered for the day?
A: You clearly suck at multiple choice.
Q: Well if it's multiple choice, then what if we just have 4 posters answer all differently since it doesn't matter which matters?
A: Then I will simply accept the current majority choice as the REAL answer, kekeke.
Q: What if it's wrong then? Won't people just troll for the wrong answer? THIS IS STUPID!
Q: What if I'm Jhoijhoi?
A: I'm going to photoshop your face on a can of pringles.
Below you are 4 cards and a picture of a sexy beast. What is underneath them?
A. A brief description of what League of Legends is and a code to redeem the skin.
B. A thin layer of <censored> that was freshly <censored> from the <censored> of Toshabi.
C. A poorly placed tile floor that hasn't been cleaned for weeks.
D. Toshabi's secrely porn cache.
Choose wisely.