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Doran's Ring start on ADC Tristana

Creator: Youngs July 9, 2013 8:12pm
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Youngs's Forum Avatar
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Jun 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2013 8:12pm | Report
It seems like Doran's Ring would be a much better start for Tristana compared to Doran's Blade. Tristana is really good at bursting early game because of the high damage on her abilities. Her AP scaling is very good so Doran's Ring would make her burst godly. During engages I usually jump on someone with Rocket Jump and try to burst them down, rather than autoattacking. It's also good for poke because most Tristanas max E so when they have the chance to autoattack for harass they will just use their E instead. It costs 400 gold so the two Health Potions you buy make up for the lack of sustain.

Tristana is pretty much an AP carry early game and an AD carry lategame which makes her such a good pick. Since you're selling your Doran's item anyway it's not like building AP early will make any difference on Tristana's lategame. I think this would work best with a support such as Leona or Taric because they work best for a bursty lane. I'm just wondering why I never see any Tristanas buy this as their first item. Is Doran's Ring start a viable choice?

tl;dr : abilities > autoattacks early game so unless you have abilities that scale off AD why would you start Doran's Blade?
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2013 9:38pm | Report
Doran's Blade is also good for Tristana's AA harass, since she has a pretty long range, not to mention that a Blade makes it easier to last-hit and pressure towers.

I feel that there's some merit to the idea, though.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2013 9:44pm | Report
You get a lot because of how much sustain it gives with lifesteal quints and the lifesteal mastery.

On another note, I've been starting Doran's Blade on jungle Elise :3
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Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2013 10:12pm | Report
It's 15 AP, so with Tristana's scalings if you assume you autoattack three times in an engagement where you use W and E and you autoattack twice for each time you E harass you are already getting more damage from Blade than Ring. It takes 60 autoattacks for a Blade to exceed two potions in sustain, which is easily doable in the course of a normal lane.

Also worth noting that champions have higher MR than armour at low levels and you have no mpen, plus it'll make it harder to last hit.
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 4:47am | Report
can't tell if new to the game or stupid
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 6:48am | Report
I'd start Blade just so I don't have to be forced to mute my whole team
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Youngs's Forum Avatar
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Jun 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 8:09am | Report
sirell wrote:

Doran's Blade is also good for Tristana's AA harass, since she has a pretty long range, not to mention that a Blade makes it easier to last-hit and pressure towers.

I feel that there's some merit to the idea, though.

Her range is fairly average early game. Incase you're mistaken, this is her passive: Draw a Bead.

Luther3000 wrote:

It's 15 AP, so with Tristana's scalings if you assume you autoattack three times in an engagement where you use W and E and you autoattack twice for each time you E harass you are already getting more damage from Blade than Ring. It takes 60 autoattacks for a Blade to exceed two potions in sustain, which is easily doable in the course of a normal lane.

Also worth noting that champions have higher MR than armour at low levels and you have no mpen, plus it'll make it harder to last hit.

I can't expect Tristana to be able to autoattack twice after Explosive Shot. Explosive Shot isn't instant, so that would take the time of ~three autoattacks. In that time you'd be caught by something like Graves' Buckshot or Caitlyn's Piltover Peacemaker, by champions with much higher base AD and base AS. I prefer to just run away after using E, because it puts you in autoattack range of most carries.

I checked your math for the engagements and you're correct, but you're not thinking about level 6. Ranged champions don't have Magic Resist per level so at level 6 MR and Armor breakeven. Here's how many autoattacks it will take to breakeven at level 6, where you use her W, E, and R. x will represent the amount of autottacks, y will represent the damage dealt. I'm not sure if makes any difference but I'm using my second rune page.

Put this in a calculator or do it in your head and you'll see that they breakeven at x = 5. So you'd actually have to autoattack 5 times during an engage. If the enemy support has any hard CC or disengage this probably won't happen.

Anyway, if Doran's Blade actually is the better early game option then shouldn't AP Tristana Mid's buy Doran's Blade? And if so, why shouldn't Annie for example start with Doran's Blade? She has a much higher range than Tristana and worse AP scaling.

What I'm trying to say is that when Doran's Blade became FoTM noone considered how it would work on a champion with 0 AD Scaling.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 10:44am | Report
She starts with 550 and gets 9 per level, so she does have a slight range advantage even early game over most champs.

Explosive Shot has a 16 second cooldown. If you can't autoattack twice in 16 seconds you're doing something wrong.

You're correct I didn't mention her ult, but level 6 all in is the only place where I can see Ring actually having an advantage. The question is therefore do you really want to bet everything on a level 6 all in that could easily just get Exhaust'd?

The big reason people avoid starting Dblade in other lanes is probably the risk due to lack of wards, easy sustain etc. ADs get lifesteal runes and having a support to protect you mitigates the risk. Additionally, in mid lane it's a whole lot easier to go all in on people and you won't just get exhausted. Some AP champions have been known to build Doran's Blade though, for example Kennen.

I think you're tunneling too much on ability scaling and level 6 all in and not thinking of other factors that matter more in bot lane.
luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 11:38am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

I think you're tunneling too much on ability scaling and level 6 all in and not thinking of other factors that matter more in bot lane.

Mainly, sustain. LS Quints at low levels heals you back like 3~6 per hit (considering an ADC went full LS quints rofl), less pots means less trades and no Doran's Blade means no 5 heal per hit.

Try going Doran's Ring against a decent Draven. You'll be out of lane in under 2 minutes.

But anyways, props for trying something different. Could work on very passive lanes.
Youngs's Forum Avatar
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Jun 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2013 1:59pm | Report
Tristana AA harass isn't strong enough to compel me to buy AD early. A slight advantage in range isn't the only factor. Her base AD is low when compared to other carries. Are you used to playing Caitlyn or Draven? If you stay in range for two autoattacks on Tristana it's usually going to end in a bad trade, especially versus someone like Graves or Draven. You can autoattack twice after using Explosive Shot, but if you stick around for such a long time you're going to take damage.
Luther3000 wrote:

The question is therefore do you really want to bet everything on a level 6 all in that could easily just get Exhaust'd?

It's not much of a gamble. The way I see it is that the three ways you deal damage in lane are
  • Harassing/Trading
  • Engages before level 6
  • Engages after level 6

Like I said above, trading should be much better with 15 AP than 10 AD. The only thing you're sacrificing is that engages before level 6 are weaker if you can autoattack 3 times. Doran's Ring should actually be more appropriate in bot lane than mid however. You mentioned it yourself, all supports run Exhaust bot lane. Exhaust hurts autoattacking more because with 50% less attack speed, your DPS is multiplied by 0.35, whereas damage from abilities are only multiplied by 0.7. Also, you can't be 100% sure which item is better for sustain. If you're at full health Doran's Blade won't do anything for you. So at the start of the game where you're at full health and possibly being healed by a support your autoattacks don't count as part of the 60 you need. Infact if you want to survive the first two minutes vs Draven than Health Potions are the way to go, because it will take more than two minutes to reach the full amount of sustain from Doran's Blade.
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