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Jondreah, the Ruined

Creator: BlueArtist March 23, 2014 6:46am
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2014 6:46am | Report
Ok so the champion is as following:

Jondreah, the Ruined



Passive: Requital
Jondreah's basic attacks deal 3/5/8/10/20% increasing damage each time he receives a basic attack from an enemy champion. Effect lasts 3 seconds unless refreshed by another hit.

Q: Arching Fury
Jondreah swings his axe in a small arc in front of him, which deals 50/70/115/150/ 180. (+70% of Total AD).
Cooldown: 7/6/6.5/5/4 seconds
Cost: 40 Energy

W: Reprising Draw

Jondreah draws back surrounding enemies, flinging them around him and lands them behind Jondreah, marking them with Spite. Enemies affected by Spite will be stunned for 1.5 seconds if hit by Jondreah or his allies. Spite lasts for 2 seconds, and is consumed upon triggered.
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
Cost: 60 Energy

E: Thriving Hunger / Bloodlust
Thriving Hunger: Jondreah is overwhelmed by hunger for blood, throwing out his axe recklessly in a straight line. If the axe hits a target, it then anchors itself onto it, briefly rooting it for 0.5 seconds, also refunding 50 Energy to Jondreah.
Bloodlust: If Jondreah hits his axe, he is able to casting Bloodlust on the target, leaping to it and rips the target with his axe satisfying his bloodlust, dealing 45/60/75/110/150 damage, crippling and slowing it for 30% over 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 14/12/10/9/8 seconds
Cost: 90 Energy

Ultimate: Ruined's Vengeance
Jondreah charges up his axe, preparing for the final battle to avenge his lost friends. He can cast Ruined Blade on an enemy and its surrounding area, dealing damage according to the number of Stacks of Fury he has, capping at 500/660/875 damage (60% of the damage around the initial target). Jondreah gains fury each time he gets hit by an enemy attack. Monster attacks builds it up, but not minion attacks. Each stack represents 25/30/35 damage. Upon fatal/out of combat for 6 seconds, all stacks reset.
Cooldown: 100/80/70 seconds
Cost: All Fury stacks
Hits needed for Full Charge: 20/22/25

The general idea of this is that Jondreah serves as a tanky fighter, soaking up damage in the frontline while being able to deal sustained and increasing damage onto the enemies. The longer he thrives and take damage, the more powerful he is. If the enemy choose to ignore him, he dishes out damage and CCs consistently, and while he is focused, he charges up his ultimate faster and either way, he will be the true "fighter" for his team.

Jondreah will attack monsters, gaining a few stacks before initiating his fight with Thriving Hunger on a vital target, then uses Reprisal Draw on it to bring it closer to his team, and then dishes out damage charging up his ultimate for the decimation of a target.

Recommended items: Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Frozen Mallet.
My #2 RumbleGuide

^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2014 6:54am | Report
And yes, Im way too lazy and has insufficient knowledge to work out the base stats for this champion.
My #2 RumbleGuide

^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

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Sporner's Forum Avatar
Dec 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 5:02pm | Report
I think it would be a good idea to have some kind of ability that forces an opponent to attack you. otherwise you'd probably loose your damage potential by beind ignored. such an abilitie could also be used to lure the enemie away from your squishy teammates
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2014 8:19pm | Report
His passive and his W are basically the same ability, also his passive is incredibly weak (look at Jarvan's). After he uses his ult the rest of his kit seems pretty weak unless his E has a pretty low cooldown and his Q gets reduced to like 3-4 seconds at max level.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2014 11:04pm | Report
so hes supposed to build tank items because most of his damage comes from getting hit by attacks yet his only CC ability is a slow? also is that a point and click 70% slow on a basic ability thats also a gap closer?
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2014 5:16am | Report
Edited whole bunch of stuff. Also changed him to energy, Mana just didn't feel right.
My #2 RumbleGuide

^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

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ZeUnit's Forum Avatar
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Jul 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2014 7:14pm | Report
His passive needs to be tuned down a bit. At max rank he gain 20% damage increase just for being hit. Whenever he is in a fight; 1v1, or an endgame teamfight, this will always be up which is a very strong.

Also I'm not sure what everyone's obsession is with stun-applying consumable marks, but it should be removed from his W because it makes it too strong an ability with 0 counter-play. An example is Braum has a stun mark he can apply, but it takes 4-hits and he has no other major form of CC so you only need to run away from him before you are hit 4 times. With your champion, not only does it take 1 hit to consume and activate the stun, but the targeted champion is flung out of position so the mark can be easily consumed. This provides 0 counter-play in lane and during a gank; when you use your W on the target his position is disrupted so he thrown away from his tower and is about to be stunned so you and your jungler can lock him down more and/or kill him. Now even if the target champion tries to flash he is screwed; he can flash forwards towards his tower right into you where you stun him, he can flash towards your tower and get cornered under the tower (note since you hit him with an ability he can't be executed), he can flash towards your jungler where he can stun him, or he can flash into the brush from where he is cut off to his tower by you and your jungler is approaching to cut off the other direction. 0 counter-play. When it's the endgame and both teams are trying to engage a fight, you would only need to run and use your W and the target champion would be thrown into your team, stunned, and deleted, making it a 4v5. There was 0 counter play. And all it took was one basic ability from your champ.

I'd like to know what you think about these changes? :P
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 27, 2014 11:48pm | Report
I don't know, because this idea was just thought off one day and I guess the W is always a problem. I don't know, I have the direction I want this champion to be, but I am not really sure what exact ability to place on W. I simply was trying to look for something different.

Also I was going to tone down his passive when I came to this post. I will revise the W, thanks for your comments.
My #2 RumbleGuide

^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

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