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Making Sion more viable

Creator: NicknameMy March 11, 2013 1:04pm
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2013 3:39pm | Report
So, now after some time, I got a new idea for this. Sion should be what his lore describes, an undeath machine that fights with all of his rest life. To reflect that, I made this:

Sadly, AP Sion has to say goodbye, but that was never really a concept fitting his lore. I think this would be the best way in order to keep his current kit and make him at the same time more viable. The thing is, his kit is actually really good for a jungling bruiser. His passive reduces the damage in the jungle signficantly, same goes for W. W also adds bonus damage. E gives bonus AD so attacks give a good amount of damage through the jungle. It also gives the bonus HP, which has good synergy with the rest of his kit. And it procs double on big monsters, which is another + for jungling. His Q is the perfect gank tool, a 1.5 second stun is a great weapon. At ganks, his W also shields him from incoming damage and deals a good burst of damage on its own. And finally, Cannibalism, which turns him into an unkillable machine and making sure, nobody ignores him.

The problem atm to unleash this is just that his numbers have mayor flaws. First, the base AS and bonus AS suck like hell. Second, super high mana cost and super low mana pool. Third, completly unneccesary AP ratios. And Fourth, his ult radius is too damn small to do anything. I think, all of this problems are fixed with this change. Not only that, it also creates a new problem: managing your HP.
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