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Open your minds

Creator: Chaotic Bliss March 27, 2011 11:57pm
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Chaotic Bliss
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Aug 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 27, 2011 11:57pm | Report
... And look past the surface.

Now for those of you who know me, Im not the average crafter. I have very few guides that follow the traditional role of the champion the guide is about. For the most part, Im making champions do things they shouldnt do. I know ahead of time that the guides I make might be met with some animosity, but such is the way of chaos. This might sound like Im just QQing about the DVs I get, but this is a call to my fellow users.

There is more to a champion than just the spotlight and the recommended items. There is more to them aside from what is obvious. Some of the greatest things have come from ideas that never fit what is expected. Biggest example is my favorite stalking champion, eveylnn. Ever since Soraka Bot came out with the AD Jungle Eve that took him to 1900 ELO, her items where changed. She went from roaming AP single target AP nuke, to an AD/AS stalking nuke. I mean a complete make over from what she was. Was it expected? No. Was it something that she was built to do? No. And now Eve can be played one of two ways. That is an example of great crafting. It took Eve to new heights.

I just want to know how is it that new ideas for champions can be so quickly tossed aside based on narrow-mindedness and pre-judgements? I know many of my guides are a bit extreme, but all Ive done is what Soraka Bot has done. The difference is he played Eve ranked, and I play normal. Can that be the deciding factor? Is that why mine and other untraditional builds get trolled and tossed aside? If so, my question is why does it matter? Some people play this game for fun and are always looking for something new for their favorite champions. Some people want some variety, and when we mad crafters make something different, we are met by trolls and the narrow minded. Open your minds people. There is more to a champion than the normal.

The following is, I think a nerd rage troll comment from me to someone on one of my guides. I was DV'd and this was my response. And oddly enough, they had a good guide too.

So instead of DVing for a good reason, you solely DV based on your opinion? Well such is the way of the close minded. Just because Phreak, which from what I hear isnt the best player, says that AS/AD is the way to go, doesnt make it true. Im sorry that you didnt try this before voting. Im sorry that you are so close minded to change and different things.

I mean how is it that people look at something and say thats not gonna work based off of what someone says, OR what they have seen. <protected user>, Im sorry that you dont know any better. Im sorry that you cant see that this game gives players so much... free will, to customize a champion to however they see fit. As players, our limits are only based on the reaches of our imagination.

Oh look at what Ive done. Ive raged at you. Forgive me as I see you are new to MOBAfire, and I wont hold this against you. And since you dont know who I am, as arrogant as that sounds, Im Chaotic Bliss and Im the resident mad crafter. Im the one that makes guides like this. I make tanks out of DPS. I turned Mundo AP. Im the one that made solid AP Kayle and a Lane/TIger Stance Udyr.

Im the one that makes people think. I make people think about champs to such a deeper level than the way that Riot makes champs. IDK what is wrong with people, but there is nothing wrong with changing the way a champion can be built. All I say is open your mind. Look deeper into a champion and find something different.

As I said in my quote, this game allows for customization limited by imaginations. So many great guides on this sight are unorthidox ideas. AP Shen, Tank Kennen, AD Eve, and there is an AP Pantheon Im interested in. So many good guides are being shut down because they are frowned upon by those that cant see the potential of them. Open your minds and look past the surface. Champions are more than just spotlights, recommended items, and what Riot wants. Yes, those things allow new players and the close minded to play the game and get a feel for champs, but that doesnt mean thats the way things have to be.

There is so much potential for so many champions, but we musnt throw them aside and troll it into the ground. There is a difference between a bad idea and something different.

Bad idea: AD . With only one dmging skill, there is no point in getting AD. Pump the power of and have fun.

Different idea: Hybrid . Some skills scale better with AP and the other AD. It powers he all around, not just AD.

There are some champions that have little flexibility when it comes to untraditional play. But that doesnt go for all champs. I know that there are some great ideas out there. I know cuz Ive seen so many threads, usually by vets, wanting to try something new and asking for ideas. So many of the ideas I see in those threads come from people that have good ideas, but who is gonna troll a vet? Very few, right? But when Vets make these off-beat guides, Ive noticed that more users are putting new things out there. It might take sometime, but they get out there.

Now that Ive ranted, I call out to my fellow summoners. Please dont look down on untraditional builds. Open your mind to something new. Im not saying forsake the normal, but dont dismiss the unique. Great ideas come from people that think differently.

I made this build because I see so much QQ about how theres only 5 tanks, when there are so many other champions(like Tankeon) that are totally viable as tanks, your just too ****ing blind to notice, and here I am trying to enlighten you dense ****s and you go and hurt yo mama's feelings by downvoting me.

Words from one of my fellow outward crafters, only they are a lil more... abrasive. But his point is, those that build differently and try to give more options, are only trying to help. To enlighten. To bring a new light to the game.

When you play a character for an extended period of time, what keeps you interested in them is the amount of play styles that you can come up with to keep things interesting

Words from another friend of mine, but truer words have never been spoken. Keeping things fresh means you can always have something different to play all the time. Options are good.

I could continue, but I think Ive gotten my point across. Look past the spotlights, recommended items, and the normal. Again, dont forsake the normal, but dont dismiss the unique. Great things have come from people thinking differently, so why is thinking differnt frowned upon? Open your minds and look past the surface

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Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 12:20am | Report
I read this.

Some very meaningful words have been spoken, Chaotic.

I totally agree with you, and I like your ideas and appreciate all that you and other crafters come up with.

But most people aren't like that :/

BTW this sounds like it could be the new "I Have a Dream" speech, for LoL xD

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Chaotic Bliss
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Aug 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 7:42am | Report
Well Wrath I feel like this... 'discrimination', is hindering the progression of new ideas. I mean honestly how many guides are the same? Take Nocturne for example. When he was craftable, there was a flood of guides, but so many of them had PDs, BT, and IEs. There didnt seem like much thought behind them. Than I make mine that is all about crit chance and dmg, and I get troll DV's from two people that use their opinions. However, I checked their builds, and they each had Nocturne guides. One with no votes and the other with 2 DVs.

I got trolled by people that had guides, but I made mine so much different. Yes I used PD and IE, but I still made it different. But its not just my guides. Wrath Ive seen some trolls hit a few of your guides so Im sure you know what I mean.

Its not so much 'I have a dream', I just want people to see that for most champions, there are more ways to play champions than what people think. Keeps things interesting.

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Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
Jvstm's Forum Avatar
Mar 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 8:14am | Report
Like Hybrid Yi and AD NUNU
And AP Taric. Apparently at my ELO Taric is a tank. Even when I sport my spiffy pink boots.
Chaotic Bliss
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Aug 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 8:32am | Report
Jvstm thats exactly what Im talking about. I mean AD Nunu.. after all he can give himself and someone else and AS bonus. That just sounds awesome for him. Not to mention every four attacks he gets a free spell cast. You cant beat that.

AP Taric... I play him that way. Nukes like no other.

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Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 9:35am | Report
Taric IS support. Don't even bother with other builds. That doesn't mean that AP is bad on him, it just means that you should focus on auras, durability and some AP.

AD Nunu could work, but his AP ratios are good soo I dunno :/
"Doing something, almost being done, then parents come in and don't let you finish.
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
Chaotic Bliss
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Aug 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 9:59am | Report
Well Searz, thats the joy of theory-crafting is it not?

Links below lead to victory. Choose your path

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Open your minds

Skype me at: chaotic_bliss1
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 12:39pm | Report

Well Wrath I feel like this... 'discrimination', is hindering the progression of new ideas. I mean honestly how many guides are the same? Take Nocturne for example. When he was craftable, there was a flood of guides, but so many of them had PDs, BT, and IEs. There didnt seem like much thought behind them. Than I make mine that is all about crit chance and dmg, and I get troll DV's from two people that use their opinions. However, I checked their builds, and they each had Nocturne guides. One with no votes and the other with 2 DVs.

I got trolled by people that had guides, but I made mine so much different. Yes I used PD and IE, but I still made it different. But its not just my guides. Wrath Ive seen some trolls hit a few of your guides so Im sure you know what I mean.

Its not so much 'I have a dream', I just want people to see that for most champions, there are more ways to play champions than what people think. Keeps things interesting.

Yea, I know what you mean. It is annoying, but trolls will always be trolls, trying to hit sites that are meant to help people >_<

Not much you can do, but the way I think of it, if at least one person likes it and gets help from it, it is worth it. If more find help from it, even better. And you've done more than your share in expanding people's views on builds, and helping others. So if you get hit by these guys once in a while, it's no big deal.

Keep doin' what you do. :)

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Dante Rebellion
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 12:53pm | Report
AP twitch, and AD morgana. Yes I see the light now chaotic!!!
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2011 1:46pm | Report

AP twitch, and AD morgana. Yes I see the light now chaotic!!!

I hope you're joking. Theory crafting is good as long as you don't do stupid **** like that.
"I walked up to her big butt and asked her *** butt what." - Lil Wayne, lyrical genius

"I can't decide where I stand on abortion, on one hand it is killing children, on the other it gives women a choice." - ???
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