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Nice read there Chaotic!
When i read this i started thinking on my games with as kennen, every ****ing game i've played as kennen my team has been like: "LoL noob kennen, play ap!"
Then 20 min later when i carry there lazy ***es they all is silent...
And god i love it when they are silent! Just becouse all her spells scale with ap doesn't mean she can't go as!
And there is a flaw in ur reasoning searz, kennen get what? all 4 spells ap scaled, and only one as/ad based. Still i have proven to you that as kennen is viable!
Same thing i like to do with gangplank, every one builds critt on him, so i say **** it! I am not gonna get any critt item! (i only get IE) and guess what? I carry the **** out of every game i play more or less!
Heroes isn't set in stone, and if they were... well u wuldn't see me play any more that's for sure
When i read this i started thinking on my games with as kennen, every ****ing game i've played as kennen my team has been like: "LoL noob kennen, play ap!"
Then 20 min later when i carry there lazy ***es they all is silent...
And god i love it when they are silent! Just becouse all her spells scale with ap doesn't mean she can't go as!
And there is a flaw in ur reasoning searz, kennen get what? all 4 spells ap scaled, and only one as/ad based. Still i have proven to you that as kennen is viable!
Same thing i like to do with gangplank, every one builds critt on him, so i say **** it! I am not gonna get any critt item! (i only get IE) and guess what? I carry the **** out of every game i play more or less!
Heroes isn't set in stone, and if they were... well u wuldn't see me play any more that's for sure
PotatisFarfar wrote:
When i read this i started thinking on my games with as kennen, every ****ing game i've played as kennen my team has been like: "LoL noob kennen, play ap!"
And there is a flaw in ur reasoning searz, kennen get what? all 4 spells ap scaled, and only one as/ad based. Still i have proven to you that as kennen is viable!
You haven't proven anything. I knew from the beginning. But yes, it is viable. Kennen has a spell that synergizes with AS and his base stats are pretty decent. Most ranged casters don't have that.
You also don't go for AD/crit. You go for on hit magic damage. Because of that you don't have to mix MrP an ArP items. Any build that does that is bad.
"Well, basically you should treat me like a prostitute." - TotalBiscuit
Searz, I know AD Morgana would never work, but it was an example I had at the time.
As for that hybrid Twitch.....well it is his free week. I may have to test that. But chances are I won't.
As for that hybrid Twitch.....well it is his free week. I may have to test that. But chances are I won't.

History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
ShadowReign757 wrote:
Searz, I know AD Morgana would never work, but it was an example I had at the time.
As for that hybrid Twitch.....well it is his free week. I may have to test that. But chances are I won't.
I had a friend who i was playing with that was morgana and this late game he was just doing no dmg bc they stacked MR. So he sold it all for a build 4 or 5 Phantom dancers he would literally just run around stunning people it was hilarious. He actually ended up back dooring and winning the game :D
Nomad, that is creavite crafting right there. I wanna meet this person lol
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One of the reasons I really like Theory Crafting is that you can combine the best of both worlds. There is no 'right' way to play any champion. There are certainly better ways to play that will get you more wins and are more viable. But something that is fun AND works is really the goal of my theory crafting. For examply, Hybrid Tryn. You might go 'wtf', but it is perfectly viable. Bloodlust heals for insane amounts, Spinning Slash has great burst and low CDR and he still crits for heavy amounts of damage. If you can still carry with Hybrid Tryndamere, why are we saying the only way to go is rushing IE?
My only point is to not close your eyes to the potential of champions being used in a different role. AP Yi works. Face it.
My only point is to not close your eyes to the potential of champions being used in a different role. AP Yi works. Face it.
I love how everything looks good on paper... you should try hybrid tyrn in a real level 30 game.... then compare those scores with the basic crit tyrn. You will see the difference
recently I've been tank soraka and AD soraka; Tank soraka could be used in ranked games while i'm un sure of AD soraka.
tank soraka is literally just as good as support soraka if not better. You can't support your team with amazing heals if you are focused and dead.
coincedentally enough, i've gotten better scores with hybrid Tryn in lvl 30 games then I have with that basic Crit Tryn. You get more survivability and the same crits. With just HTGB and Guinsoo's, you are doing more damage at that point in the game then crit Tryn, and once you actually get IE or Rabbadon's, you are doing more damage. With the top rated Tryn build on the site vs. hybrid Tryn, you will have more survivability and more damage late game, especially against tanks. I've been looking for some damage calculations for i'll post up some calcs eventually I guess. If I can.
coincedentally enough, i've gotten better scores with hybrid Tryn in lvl 30 games then I have with that basic Crit Tryn. You get more survivability and the same crits. With just HTGB and Guinsoo's, you are doing more damage at that point in the game then crit Tryn, and once you actually get IE or Rabbadon's, you are doing more damage. With the top rated Tryn build on the site vs. hybrid Tryn, you will have more survivability and more damage late game, especially against tanks. I've been looking for some damage calculations for i'll post up some calcs eventually I guess. If I can.
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Will I craft AD Morgana? Maybe. If I do will I use it in ranked and in house games? No.
AD would be inferior to AP, thus there is not point in using it for serious game play. If me and some buds are just wanting to have fun, than yeah Ill play it. But never for ranked.
You guys can say, dont do it, but I will try it out. I will not make a guide for it. I repeat. I WILL NOT make a guide for AD-Gana.
If you are gonna go Hybrid, why not add AA too? So much mana from Manamune and AA it be nuts. There would be no need to get and AD items at all