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So I'm maining Jungling now...

Creator: Diesel November 26, 2010 10:57am
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Apr 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 10:57am | Report
Hey guys,

Recently, my friends have wanted to run a specific team-comp during games and we want to relish in the advantages of running a jungle character. I've been mostly using Fiddlesticks since his Drain makes life incredibly easy, but I want to broaden my horizons. So I have a few questions:
  • What are good runes to have when running Jungle?
  • What characters would be good for the Jungle?
  • Any specific item builds I could look into except the normal Cloth Armor + 5 HPPot?

Thanks a bunch in advance!
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 11:10am | Report
While I won't pretend to be an expert at jungling, from experience I'd say that aside from the obvious Warwick Jungler, other champions like Olaf and Udyr are some of the best junglers in the game.

The "Frozen Jungle" guide on the front page really puts it very well; you don't see many good Udyr players because not many people know how to use him. But every game I've played against a good Udyr, he's always been a jungler. That goes for Olaf as well.

I've also seen interesting builds for a Karthus jungler, as well as for Irelia. Nidalee is also a pretty bad jungler early game, but as soon as she hits level 6 she becomes extremely fast.

I suppose with runes you'll want to run either attack speed or armor penetration as your marks, evasion or health as your seals, and some kind of regen or magic resist for your glyphs. It depends on the character, tbh.

Most people run either Cloth Armor+5HP or Cloth Armor+2HP+Vision Ward (which is usually better). On Warwick, it's viable to run Longsword+HP. On other champions that are too weak to jungle with just Cloth Armor, you can also grab Elixir of Fortitude+2HP+Vision Ward or Elixir+5HP. Most junglers are going to want to rush a Madred's Razor though.
Lif3l3ss's Forum Avatar
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Sep 11th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 11:14am | Report
Top 2 junglers are easily Warwick and shaco, then olaf and udyr, ive also seen a couple jax's jungle really good the rare karthus jungle, Irelia can do it but i do not recommend it she is much much stronger laning her jungle is way to slow. Another very strong jungle is malphite and nunu.
PotatisFarfar's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 2:50pm | Report
What are good runes to have when running Jungle?

flat hp is always a good bet. some heroes culd have special runes. like i roll flat ap on akali to get passive. and AS is nice on udyr. But flat hp always work.

other good runes is Dodge/armor yellows. hp works 2

for blues ya culd go Cd reduction. maybe ap. or Mr.

And for Reds. Go Magic pen. armor pen. or As.

What characters would be good for the Jungle?

Now this is intrsteing. There is many jungle chars. all good on diffrent things. You want a ganker? stabile farmer or a good hybird.

The best gangkers is: rammus, Shaco. Udyr is strong 2. cho'gath is pretty powerfull. if ya can hit good.
Good farmers: Warwick. Cho', Udyr. fiddle. olaf. they will never have to go back.
Hybrids: Olaf, udyr. cho'gath. Xin

Any specific item builds I could look into except the normal Cloth Armor + 5 HPPot?

Depends on champs. Most champions that have use of that cloth armor it's a good pick. but heroes like Akali needs dorans to jungle good. I don't personally like elixirs. but they work to

hope that's this have been of help.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 6:35pm | Report
So, in all the premades I play, if I'm not playing the carry I'm playing the jungler so I have a lot of experience in premade jungling. Some things to remember about jungling is you are doing it to control the buffs and to provide ganking options from time to time. Warding is key to jungling and you must be wary of counter-junglers. Obtaining dragon every time it spawns might be one of the most vital proponents to jungling as it is worth around 4 kills (I think?). Important info: Lizard and Golem buff spawn at 1:55 and after you kill them they are on a 5min spawn time. Dragon spawns at the 2:30 minute mark and has a 6 minute spawn time. Baron Nashor spawns at the 15 minute mark and has a 8 minute spawn time.

Here's what I think in terms of champions to jungle with (that I've played, so excluding Nunu, Shen, etc).

- Warwick is the best overall jungler bc of his versatility to start at any creep camp, good ganking options, and one of the fastest, safest junglers that can get Dragon early [level 4]. WW can also provide strong dmg output while tanking and is perfect for the metagame.

- Udyr is a very strong early game jungler, he can gank very early with his stun (around lvl 4) and if he gets fed off those early ganks he will dominate the jungle no matter who he is up against. He will get every dragon, every buff, and (if fed early) can not be stopped. However if he doesn't successfully gank early a good WW can dominate the jungle.

- Fiddlesticks, Amumu, and Olaf are perfect for jungling however they can not get Dragon as fast as other champs and they are dependent on Golem buff at the start. In premades they can be easily ganked and will not be allowed to jungle.

- Shaco is THE strongest ganker out of the jungle, he can jungle fairly quickly, he can start at various different creep camps, and is just straight up nasty. He can EASILY solo Dragon and can take Baron solo very early on.

- Rammus & Xin Zhao are the next strongest gankers out of the jungle, however they are also reliant on golem buff early and can easily be ganked. They also cannot take Dragon as fast as others. If they are allowed to jungle without being countered they will absolutely destroy the enemy team's lanes.

- Poppy is a ridiculous counter-jungler, if they have a good one on the other team make sure you have a teammate covering your *** whenever you take a buff or Dragon because she will come out of nowhere and 2-hit K.O. you especially since they are alot of walls in the jungle.

In terms of items and runes, I can try to explain how to jungle with Warwick as he is extremely viable in the meta-game, can be played a number of different ways, and will annoy the hell out of the other team. For him I would go Armor Pen Marks, Dodge Seals, Flat CDR Glyphs, and Armor Pen or Flat Health Quints. Next I would take Hunters Call first, a long sword, and 1 health potions. Smite & Ghost. For Masteries you can see my "The Gank Tank" build.

Here is the route I take with WW.

Allows so you do not get ganked early on and so on. You can get Dragon very early and will be extremely beneficial to any team comp. One thing to remember, when you are taking Wraiths, make sure your mid player doesn't stand close or he/she will share wraith exp with you and you will not hit level 2 after killing the first big wolf.
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 7:47pm | Report
Any of these champions can be easily ganked. I remember recently fighting a game against a jungle Warwick and we killed him his first 3 attempts at Golem. He eventually gave up and decided to lane.

And as a side note, I practically jungle with almost every champion I use when I hit level 6. It works well for me quite a lot.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.

"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 9:16pm | Report
PFP wrote:
- Shaco is THE strongest ganker out of the jungle, he can jungle fairly quickly, he can start at various different creep camps, and is just straight up nasty. He can EASILY solo Dragon and can take Baron solo very early on.

True. I played a game about 2 hours ago. I was Mordekaiser, taking the solo 1v2 lane against Akali and Nasus. We had a Shaco as a jungler. We got first blood five minutes into the game. Another five minutes later, we were 8-0, with Shaco being 5-0-1 and me going 2-0-0. They surrendered at 25. If you've got a good jungling Shaco, the ganks can just be ridiculous.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 9:44pm | Report
well animorte if you're playing a premade team and their WW is any bit good he is very hard to counter. it all depends on player-skill really. I'm just saying theoretically if the best WW or the best amumu jungled the amumu would be very easy to stop because he is dependent on level 1 golem while WW can get it later.
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 10:18pm | Report
Touché... It does depend on player skill. A lot of times I take a solo lane while an ally jungles from start and I will escort the Jungler to his starting spot and wait to make sure we know where all the enemies are. That and wards make ganking your jungler impossible.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.

"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
SixSonatas's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 26, 2010 10:46pm | Report
Thing with Shaco is that his effectiveness decreases as team fights ensue; good teams will know to ward the brush where ganks are viable to avoid ganks and push towards team fights as Shaco begins to weaken due to the weak the gank phase. That's why I see Shaco as easily countered unlike most counters who don't end up being a weakling in team fights mid-late game.
Super old vet that almost never goes on Mobafire anymore. Contact me in game @ SixSonatas and Mobafire chat (NA).
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