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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Odyn's Veil

Odyn's Veil
Total Price: 2500 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 1827

LoL Item: Odyn's Veil
  • 350 Health
  • 50 Magic Resistance
  • 350 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Reduces and stores 10% of the magic damage dealt to your champion.

UNIQUE Active: Deals 200 + (stored magic, max 400) to nearby enemy units. 90 second cooldown. 525 Range estimate.
  • 350 Health
  • 50 Magic Resistance
  • 350 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Reduces and stores 10% of the magic damage dealt to your champion.

UNIQUE Active: Deals 200 + (stored magic, max 400) to nearby enemy units. 90 second cooldown. 525 Range estimate.

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xSinx (1) | September 16, 2011 10:48am
this looks like kass's passive but u can launch it at their face
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