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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Prowler's Claw

Prowler's Claw
Total Price: 3000 | Recipe Price: 800 | Sell Price: 2100

LoL Item: Prowler's Claw
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 55 Attack Damage
  • 18 Lethality

UNIQUE Passive: Using a dash, lunge or blink, or exiting from stealth, causes your next basic attack against a champion within 3 seconds to deal [85 for Melee | 65 for Ranged] (+[55% for Melee | 35% for Ranged] per bonus attack damage) bonus physical damage on-hit and slow the target by 99% for 0.5 seconds (5 second cooldown).

Ranged champions do not apply the slow.
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 55 Attack Damage
  • 18 Lethality

UNIQUE Passive: Using a dash, lunge or blink, or exiting from stealth, causes your next basic attack against a champion within 3 seconds to deal [85 for Melee | 65 for Ranged] (+[55% for Melee | 35% for Ranged] per bonus attack damage) bonus physical damage on-hit and slow the target by 99% for 0.5 seconds (5 second cooldown).

Ranged champions do not apply the slow.

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