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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What jungler should i buy?

Posted in Champions 9,175

  • Eon_era

    What jungler should i buy?

    I would like to know which jungler to get because i find that jungle is a very unique role and I would like to know which one is fun but at the same time good in the meta. btw i am a level 29 player.
  • Answers (13)

    BlueMoon01 (12) | May 7, 2016 10:18pm
    Hard & challenging : Lee Sin
    Easy to play & rewarding : Master Yi / Xin Zhao
    Burst-oriented : Kha'Zix / Rengar
    Tank / Teamplayers : Gragas / Sejuani
    Fun : Zac / Vi

    Volibear, Udyr and Vi are really strong too :D
    SwampFalcon | May 28, 2016 6:42pm
    One of my favorite champions is Fiddlesticks. I got him first when I had no idea what to do, and he still continues to be a very good jungler with all of the new patches
    TheKing152 | May 10, 2016 3:49am
    My main 3 junglers are
    Lee Sin
    And finally Shaco , Its fun to play :)
    I hope I helped u m8
    BlueMoon01 (12) | May 9, 2016 12:34am
    Welcome ! Glad you found someone suits you :)
    Eon_era (1) | May 8, 2016 12:16pm
    I just played zac and he is super fun but strong. Thanks for the suggestions. :)
    wiR3d777 | June 7, 2016 2:06pm
    Kindred is the most fun for me so far. Still learning how to completely play her fast pace as well as being able to jump over walls with her W make her fun to play. I also enjoyed Graves, but am working on saving up for him, although i ADC main, jungling is a fun change of pace for me.
    Whiteknife98 | May 29, 2016 11:14am
    I have Just Bought Fiddlestick May be You should Try IT.
    krios07 | May 29, 2016 12:19am
    The actually tier 1 jungler are Kindred, Fiddlestick, Graves and Nidalee
    arcafive | June 4, 2016 7:50pm
    ^ yes very good for starting since he knocks back allowing him to kite
    Whiteknife98 | May 29, 2016 11:14am
    Is Graves a Jungler?
    TheBastard | May 26, 2016 3:01pm
    Play a champ you enjoy and can actually jungle. Tanky junglers are always better for begginers.
    Learn the playstyle of your champ and you should do well
    Wheeinee | May 24, 2016 10:41pm
    I would say, try Shaco. He's really fun to play and not in the meta but really rewarding if play right. You should read this guide to understand more about him.
    letswinelo (2) | May 23, 2016 3:42pm
    Meta is not on tanks in the jungle. The top 3 junglers are nidalee, kindred and graves. These junglers are extremely fast at clearing the jungle, stay healthy and have extremely good mobility and damage in order to snowball the early game and get their team ahead.

    These 3 junglers are the best ones to get if you are looking to climb/learn: nidalee,kindred and graves.

    On the other hand if you prefer playing some strong junglers that are outside those 3 I would recommend gragas(great ganks and tanky), kha( great burst and carry potential) and lastly nocturne( umpcoming pocket pick,easy to learn)

    Feel free to pm me any questions!
    takeothebeast (2) | May 23, 2016 5:24am
    since the meta is on tanks right now why dont you try gragas or sejuani
    Andrex 24 | May 16, 2016 11:43am
    I think Warwick is highly underrated in the jungle community, but his kit and sustain let him win unexpected games while still learning all the fundamentals of jungle.
    stormthrust (1) | May 15, 2016 2:19pm
    Skarner and voli are the best right now.
    aoden7732 | May 13, 2016 1:09am
    diana is exceptionally strong and snowball oriented at lower elos
    DreamingInRed (13) | May 11, 2016 7:04am
    I enojyed Kindred a lot because of her unique playstyle, but I havent had the chance to play her on 6.9. I like Rammus Jungle a lot because its fun to powerball/taunt people and kill them because they hit you, but i dont know if he is a meta jungler
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