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League of Legends (LoL) Question: From Bronze to Gold?

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  • Hdinis09

    From Bronze to Gold?

    I got placed in Bronze after some troll picks on my placements, last year(my first ever ranked) i got to s3, yes since then a lot of changes have happened.
    Can you tell me some champions(jungle in preference) to get some elo and maybe get to gold?
  • Answers (4)

    Mantar0ff (2) | May 7, 2017 1:11pm
    As a gold jungler id say this patch is pretty bossy my top 5 for you question are:
    1. Lee Sin
    2. Graves
    3. Sejuani
    4. Amumuu
    5. Warwick
    Hibitane (1) | May 23, 2017 2:00pm
    I would say for someone in bronze to plat lee and graves are a unreliable pick.
    Gather go for xin, vi, warwick, ivern. those are the OG in the jungle without a huge skillcap
    Hdinis09 (1) | May 7, 2017 1:21pm
    Thank you a lot! +1 :D
    skelestus (20) | May 2, 2017 7:02am
    Some champions that will help you climb back to your old rank include Amumu, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Vi and Shyvana
    Hdinis09 (1) | May 7, 2017 1:21pm
    Thank you all +1 :D
    skelestus (20) | May 3, 2017 1:48pm
    Yeah Jax is great. Has a lot of versatility with playstyle in the jungle as well as his builds.
    VexRoth (78) | May 3, 2017 12:09pm
    Jax is viable. I use him in Gold V/Gold IV to good effect.
    Hdinis09 (1) | May 3, 2017 10:40am
    I just tried Jax, and he is super easy and has a lot of damage with integrated attack speed, would he be viable?
    Ekki (86) | May 1, 2017 2:53pm
    There aren't "champions that get you elo", only champions with which you play better or champions with which you get better at the game. For example, back in season 4 I played cheese tanks like Volibear/ Nautilus top to get to Gold I from Silver I, but that only helped me climb because I needed to learn how to ensure a win in lane, since I played mainly jungle and support before season 4. And there's no guarantee you'll climb by picking Fizz tank top (the cheese tank I know of) only because that's what worked for me.

    In the end you'll only climb by consistently playing better than your enemies. In bronze-silver that's most probably going to be champions you're good at, not the OP flavour of the month.

    I guess if you posted a list of your main pool of champions someone could make a tierlist so you know which champions you can focus on improving and also recommend some new picks for you to try. It's not going to singlehandedly improve your play but it might push your elo a little higher if you focus on playing the strongest champions from your pool.
    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | June 5, 2017 7:10pm
    so tank fizz = free elo
    if i see tommorow im b5 is your fault.
    PsiGuard (1495) | May 2, 2017 3:41pm
    If you want to climb just play Hecarim or Xin Zhao every game. It's way more important for you to have a small champion pool to focus on than it is to pick the "right" champion for climbing.

    Hecarim tends to be better in higher ranks, so if you want to stick with him for a long time he'd be a good choice. Xin Zhao is super easy to play and should be very effective up to plat or so. Best of luck.
    Hdinis09 (1) | May 2, 2017 6:25am
    I usually play Hecarim, Lee, Xin and Warwick.
    I haven´t played much Ranked since placements due do self demotivation, but in Normals i have won almost every single game(where i carry most of them).
    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | June 5, 2017 7:12pm
    Yasuo jungle 1000 damage critik one shot.
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