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League of Legends (LoL) Question: A recommendation for a good sp?


  • Fat_fast

    A recommendation for a good sp?

    Hi, it's me again, thank you guys for answering my previous question. Your contribution inspired me to buy a sp champ, but now I have a problem choosing my fit. Since I have limited budget, both time and IP, I have no other choice but to ask you guys for your extensive experience. I'm still rather indecisive about the sp kit, but anyone that suits an aggressive playstyle, with a good mix of survivability will be nice. I thank you guys in advance!
  • Answers (3)

    DKitten (78) | October 2, 2013 1:22pm
    This was his previous question.

    There are several aggressive supports; in fact, I'm pretty sure there's only one passive one ( Soraka). If you want survivability, then Taric, Leona, Blitzcrank (banned), Thresh (banned), and Alistar are your main options, though Janna (rarely banned) and Lulu are very strong at kiting and damage mitigation and have good poke.

    To give an overview of each:
    - Taric is stronger against an AD-heavy team comp and with an AD-heavy teamcomp. Gets Dazzle (targetted stun) β†’ Imbue (heals target allied champion or minion) β†’ Shatter (passively boosts armor, active shatters enemy armor; maxed first)
    - Leona is the all-in support. Gets Shield of Daybreak (stun AA-modifier) β†’ Zenith Blade (skillshot jump + root) β†’ Eclipse (armor/MR buff; maxed first)
    - Blitzcrank is well known for his ability to reposition enemies, and is naturally tanky. Gets Rocket Grab (reposition) β†’ Power Fist (knockup) β†’ Overdrive, with the skill maxed first being situational.
    - Thresh is the super-support that Riot never should have made b/c he's got too much utility. His skill order tends to be Flay (passively increases AA damage, active slows and pulls/pushes; maxed first) β†’ Death Sentence (pulls enemies and lets Thresh rappel to his target) β†’ Dark Passage (ground-AoE shield that can pull one ally to Thresh), though Death Sentence might be the Lv1 skill depending on elo and region.
    - Alistar is FREE (no IP needed to get if you . However, a bad Alistar is REALLY bad and a good Alistar is good. I'm not familiar with him at all, but I'd guess the skill order is Pulverize (AoE knockup) β†’ Headbutt (knockback) β†’ Triumphant Roar (AoE heal).
    - Janna is considered one of the stronger supports right now. Her skill order tends to be situational, but her skills are Howling Gale (linear knockup), Zephyr (passive speed boost, active slow), and Eye of the Storm (shield that boosts AD).
    - Lulu is also strong due to her immense poking potential and ability to shut down the enemy mage or support. Her skill order tends to be Glitterlance (linear slow; maxed first) β†’ Whimsy (AP+MS boost on ally, silence+slow on enemy) β†’ Help, Pix! (shield that places Lulu's passive on allied players or damages and reveals enemies).

    Out of all of these, the easiest to play is most likely Taric or Blitzcrank.
    Fat_fast (11) | October 7, 2013 12:19am
    Thank you for your help, I really appreciate the detail you put into your answer, I hope it wasn't too much of a bother to answer in such a manner =P.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | October 2, 2013 1:46pm
    Annie support is very aggressive and has a guaranteed stun with Pyromania. Additionally, she has an insane auto attack range allowing her to poke very well. Flash + Summon: Tibbers makes for a great initiation when setting up a bot lane gank or starting a team fight.

    Fiddlesticks has one of the strongest if not the strongest single-target cc ability with Terrify. Your primary goal in most fights is to use Terrify on the person who deals the most damage on the enemy side. Similar to Annie he can set up ganks and initiate on to the enemy team with a Flash + Terrify or a Crowstorm + Flash + Terrify.
    GrandmasterD (531) | October 2, 2013 12:09pm
    If sp = split pusher then: Zed, Shen, Jax, Twisted Fate are notable examples.
    PsiGuard (1495) | October 2, 2013 11:12am
    Um, what is an sp champ?
    Fat_fast (11) | October 7, 2013 12:23am
    A support, should have been more clear.
    emoriam (287) | October 2, 2013 12:07pm
    seems to be better :D
    Meiyjhe (539) | October 2, 2013 12:04pm
    I was thinking of Split Pushing
    emoriam (287) | October 2, 2013 11:58am
    Maybe support? dunno
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