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League of Legends (LoL) Question: AP malphite or Tank

Posted in Champions | Tags: Malphite 14,663

  • alexvking

    AP malphite or Tank

    I love Malphite, that's my favorite top laner, but i don't really know if i should play him AP or Tank.
    I've seen a lot of builds but i don't see any consistency. I usually ban mundo or teemo vs malphite but i love to pick him vs anyone even tho i think that vs an ap champ he struggles a lot. Any tips?
  • Answers (4)

    SickBull3tt | September 5, 2018 4:52am
    Ap Malphite Damage is Damn Crazy and almost one shot mid lane champs and Adcs But To Be Honest Malphite Dies One Shot In This Build Ap Cuz he won't have any Defence ......So i Think Half Tanky Half Ap Is Great
    Biperspectival (6) | September 2, 2018 1:19pm
    If you can get a pure armor Malphite against an AD comp, you basically win. You become almost unkillable, and it's just beautiful.

    If you can't build pure armor, just go AP.
    Hamstertamer (74) | September 1, 2018 1:04pm
    Stacking armor is the best build against AD comps, and you can build him AP against AP comps.
    Silverman43 (85) | September 1, 2018 12:29pm
    If you play him toplane, tank is probably better, as it gives more utility. AP Malphite is basically an assasin, wich isn't ideal vs most toplaners wich are tanks/bruisers. AP Malphite can work mid and I even play it jungle, but of course it can work toplane as well if you really want too.

    A nice build for Malphite is Iceborn Gauntlet into Abyssal Mask and Sunfire Aegis. He will be tanky, but still deal a decent amount of damage.
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