League of Legends (LoL) Question: At what point is it gold efficient to get a Banner of Command on Zyra?
Banner of Command
Rabadon's Deathcap

At what point is it gold efficient to get a Banner of Command on Zyra?
As a Zyra player who prefers to let plants deal the damage rather than myself, at what point should I get a Banner of Command? Assuming I lay at least 2 seeds per spell cast, would I also have to have lane or allied pets nearby to be effective? If I were to get a Banner of Comand rather than a Rabadon's, would I need to have less than a certain amount of AP for it to be more efficient than the deathcap?
If you're really sold on getting
I like to buy an additional Amplifying tome after I finish gp/10, sightstone, and sorc boots.
Then based how the game is going I turn it into a Haunting Guise or the Banner :)