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League of Legends (LoL) Question: BBcode help

Posted in General 1,553

  • SaltCat

    BBcode help

    I am currently writting an irelia guidr
    And i have run out of ideas XD, i know what i want to talk about and write, but i have run out of ideas on how to customize it, i could use the code i used in the rune section, but i dont think that would be nice to watch for the whole guide. Any ideas?
  • Answers (1)

    TheInkKingLoL (43) | December 12, 2020 3:45pm
    Hi there!
    I like the theme and the incorporation of your design so far, really well done.
    Honestly you just have to experiment with what you do and don't like for each section. Try putting in the text and then formatting around it.
    I don't have any specific design ideas for you, but I welcome you to look at my guide if you want to try to steal some design stuff (I have a decent variety). I'm not going to link it though because I'm not trying to advertise it, just trying to help :D
    Hope you figure out what you like!
    SaltCat (19) | December 13, 2020 12:59am
    Thanks and sorry, i didnt thought about that when i linked the guide i just wanted people to understand what i was talking about, i will edit it now, thank you again!
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