League of Legends (LoL) Question: Good Junglers that are somewhat easy to play as?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Kayn 12,234
Good Junglers that are somewhat easy to play as?
Is there any "somewhat easy" Junglers to play as? I've been trying out Kayn as a Jungler and he's awesome, but I don't want to be a 1-trick with just Kayn as a jungler and I want somebody to fall back on. Any suggestions?
Damage junglers: Vi, Olaf, Warwick
Slightly tougher to play but good: Kha'Zix, Ekko
Hopefully one or two of those piques your interest. Just try out as many as you can and see if you like one more than the others. Most junglers aren't too mechanically demanding.
Tanky junglers are always somewhat easy because they can take a lot of hits in fights and tend to be more straightforward in their aims. Champions like Dr. Mundo and Rammus are probably the easiest of the lot, and your role in the game is top suck up the damage whilst your carries carry. These might be good if you're looking for champions that can take a large beating.
Bruisers with easier kits and a built in heal can be nice to pick up. Warwick and Xin Zhao (and I'd also recommend Shyvana fall in this group. They tend to have a mix of damage items and tanky items, so they tend to be champions that don't die immediately, but can still do some damage. These might be good if you're looking for a champion to get up close and personal to do damage. Harder champions in this group include Camille and Aatrox.
Ap Champions come in a few flavours for jungles. They can be a tad trickier to play because most of them find it harder to clear the jungle in the early game. Check out Fiddlesticks and Karthus if you're looking for an Ap champion. These might work well for those games when the entirety of your team have AD damage, it can really make the difference to have at least one person doing Ap damage. Harder champions in this group include Evelynn and Elise
Finally you have what I like to call the "unique" junglers. These range from the support like Ivern to the adc like Kindred and the god of low elo Master Yi. These champions might be more fun if you want something a bit different.
Overall, I'd recommend trying champions in free rotation, and maybe even watch a few videos on youtube of other people playing jungle. You never know, you might watch someone play Rek'Sai and just instantly click and decide regardless of how hard it is you want to make it work. Good luck :)