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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Good top or bot lane champs

Posted in Champions 3,145

  • tga3200

    Good top or bot lane champs

    Does anyone know any good Top or Bot lane champions?
  • Answers (6)

    PsiGuard (1495) | February 22, 2018 2:29pm
    I'll shamelessly plug LeagueSpy here. Just sort by top or bot and check out some of the highest win rate and most popular champions. There are plenty of viable options in both roles.
    The real kagoyme | March 17, 2018 6:00pm

    - Camille, most people still have trouble with her in lower elo because they don't know how to work against her. If you can play her correctly you can dominate top lane. But late game if your team does not follow up correctly you may end up with a loss (but thats excepted )

    - Akali, I find if you get kills with her early enough she is really OP and can jump to secure kills in her lane. Late game she is the perfect assassin to take out the enemies mid laner, ADC and support if its one like nami.

    -Darius, Who does not hate an enemy Darius to be honest? He pulls you and then straight up murders you, and if he gets just a few items he is hard to kill. With him being able to gain health back from attacks makes his laning phase better for him.

    -Gnar, A mixture of an ADC and tank, whats not to like? He can take enemies down fast, stuns when hes a tank and is great in team fights and alone, he also has escapes which are great when securing a kill or getting away.


    - Jinx, she is one of the top rated ADCS and can counter lots, she sometimes has a weak start against Tristana, Twitch and draven but late game can usually dominate them

    - Caitlyn, Perfect for countering people like Draven! She has poke so she can stay at a far range away from people and her Crit is amazing. You can even counter Mid lane Zed if he comes for a gank a lot of the times (place a trap on his shadows, you can catch him under tower)

    Nautilus- Early game he is still OP, you are able to grab, reduce damage taken , slow and stun. He barley takes any damage late game

    - Nami, she is good because she has healing, stuns and increases damage for 3 shots on a selected champion

    There are many more people that are good you just have to find which one works for you! Goodluck in your journey on the rift !
    Mr. Nyahr (8) | March 2, 2018 10:03am
    Illaoi, Camille, Gnar, and Gangplank are all pretty exceptional top laners at the moment, and they each have unique playstyles. For bot lane, I'd go with Varus, Vayne, Ezreal, or Twitch, as they're all very powerful in the meta right now, and are all relatively simple to pick up and play.
    Bogdan0425 | March 1, 2018 6:38am
    For top - a very easy and strong champ is Garen.
    - is very funny to play Kennen top cause he have abilities with big range and you can bully your opponent...even if their jg gank XD...bacause his E give you a very big speed
    For bot - Jinx, Varus, Jhin, Vayne for ADC
    -Sona, soraka or Blitzcrank for support
    VexRoth (78) | February 27, 2018 10:24am
    Top - Kled

    -Has like 5 ***** match-ups, the rest are manageable
    -Good split pusher if he gets ahead
    -Has roaming potential with his ultimate
    -His remount mechanic is tilt inducing for a lot of players
    -Some of the funniest dialog in the game

    Bot - Varus

    -No bad ADC match-ups at the moment (maybe ban Blitzcrank and/or Alistar)
    -His one item powerspike with Guinsoo's Rageblade is disgusting
    - Hail of Arrows applies Grievous Wounds
    -His ult can peel divers off of you, turn around skirmishes, and help you get picks
    -Older character so he is short on dialog, but he has some pretty cool skins

    Sup - Alistar

    -Offers initiation and peel
    -Healing in lane
    -Have ult will dive
    -Roaming plays can be devastating
    -He is a tank (and let's be honest most of the time your team is going to need one given everyone else picked a squishy carry)
    - Moo Cow Alistar
    Atomic Fart | February 26, 2018 9:49am
    For top lane I recommend you Illaoi, it's very strong and she has a nice splitpush
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