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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Help for Ranked Leavers

Tags: Twisted Fate 5,647

  • Kingluis

    Help for Ranked Leavers

    Hi guys.

    I am sick of this... I am so sick of going to Ranked Game, and in queue pick my main AD Twisted Fate and just say "its my main, dont worry"

    they start to flame me, they start to say to "stop troll", they insult me, they even want me reported and banned.

    And then they pick a troll support, a troll mid, a troll jungle, then at last sec before game start someone leaves.

    I need help, How can I show to them that it is viable and my favourite champ. I asked them to see my historial, my scores, they just dont care and start talking about "viability".

    I am sick of this... if people just let it go, I would be diamond by now :S (joking, idk xD)

    I just want to play a normal ranked game... with my ad tf...

    What would you do ?

    Note: I dont want to play ranked teams
  • Answers (5)

    throatslasher (248) | April 25, 2013 12:36pm
    I'd just say stop playing ad TF at your level, people can't handle it. In high elo, people are way more accepting of unconventional picks. Just play normal stuff until gold and you'll get trolled like 20% as much.

    I think ad TF sucks, of course. I personally prefer adc ahri.
    Kingluis (8) | April 28, 2013 4:27am
    It hurts but I can say it is quite true.

    Ok, you prefere adc ahri, but I believe ad tf is stronger. Oppinions are oppinions :D
    Satella (177) | April 25, 2013 7:00am
    Tell them to LoLKing you. You have the high winrate with TF to back it up.

    Alternatively duo-queue with somebody so at least you're guaranteed a support that isn't trolling.
    Kingluis (8) | April 28, 2013 4:25am
    because aseafy, it was 30-8, or something like that, I was almost the only one with kills in the team...
    Aseafy (25) | April 26, 2013 11:50am
    You should be able to carry games if you are actually good at ad tf. As well, you say that you ragequit a game ...? What. If you are trying to win why would you ragequit ..?
    Meiyjhe (539) | April 25, 2013 10:31am
    What do skins have to do with "main"-ribbons? :P

    Besides, they would have to make a whole new system for that and what do you actually gain from that system? Those who play something unusual will be more accepted in soloqueue.

    I don't think your idea is going to happen :P
    Kingluis (8) | April 25, 2013 10:21am

    Just like there are badjers for "friendly player" and "teamfigher player", there also should exist badjers for "Twisted Fate Main" or stuff like that, by seeing the rates on that champ and amount of time they play with.

    but that would take a long time.... looooong time to do.... riot is more interested in skins (sry, true xD)
    Satella (177) | April 25, 2013 9:08am
    Ehh... meta-sheeping is just unfortunate (this happens everywhere, doesn't matter if you're bronze or diamond). I get flak for using mid Riven quite a bit and usually I just stand down and pick a more conventional mid like Ryze to appease my team.

    I know this is not really the solution you're looking for, but being married to your champion is one of those things that just can't work out all the time. Heck, I've had more Caitlyn and Lee Sin games recently than Riven even though I love her to bits, and making your team happy can actually do more to your winrate than picking the champion you're most familiar with.
    Kingluis (8) | April 25, 2013 7:44am
    didnt' work, I just ragequited a game where my support did nothing. Where my top just flammed me (for no reason, I was 1-2, and he was 0-7)

    I am sick of this. Everytime I go ad tf ranked, they flame me and troll, if I get banned for that ragequit, I dont know what to do more.
    Kingluis (8) | April 25, 2013 7:09am
    duo-queueing will garantee one less troll.

    Yeah :D
    Raiyuzaki (3) | April 25, 2013 4:32pm
    If you go into a game and say "Hey all, I'm playing (insert champion name here) and you can all suck it", of course you're going to get flamed.
    D34thPhO3n1x (4) | May 15, 2013 6:17pm
    Why not just say "Hi all my main is AD/AP TF, can I play as him in this match", If they say NO then you beter choose someone els, otherwise they get real angry real fast (also dont post that link to lolking in the chat, it pisses most people off.).
    Kingluis (8) | April 28, 2013 4:24am
    I usually say something like: "hi team, I would like to play mid or adc, my main is twisted fate, so I would like to go AP tf mid or AD TF bot, you can see my scores here (insert LoLking link)"

    Just that, then pretty much 2 or 3 starts flamming saying "Dont play ad tf please! I want to win this game, qualifiing" -.-
    GrandmasterD (531) | April 25, 2013 3:01pm
    Pray to the Alien Overlord Xenu.
    C4 Lasty (77) | April 25, 2013 1:25pm
    If we are playing dumb **** I'm instalocking Fiora jungle.
    Kingluis (8) | April 28, 2013 4:25am
    Sorry to say, but its people like you that dont let me play AD TF

    Go off
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