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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How i see my skin wishlist?


  • JhoszOn

    How i see my skin wishlist?

    I googled it and the only thing I found was a post from January 2018 that said it was in production.

    Did they add it?
  • Answers (4)

    irelia support | January 25, 2022 6:45am
    Can you specify if you're talking about a League addition or Mobafire feature?
    alanmark | January 10, 2022 6:35pm
    there is no option on LoL
    Fruxo (327) | December 9, 2021 1:54pm
    You won't see your wishlist, but everytime a skin/champ that you have wishlisted goes on sale, you can either choose to get a notification or email with it.
    Karinutsa (92) | December 9, 2021 1:39am
    No, there is no option on LoL for a skin wishlist or a favourite skin list...
    JhoszOn | December 9, 2021 1:24pm
    I mean in mobafire, but today I saw that when a skin from my wish list is on sale mobafire send me an email
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