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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How should I play after losing a line?

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  • Misty28

    How should I play after losing a line?

    Hi all. I'm learning to play on middle line and I have a question, what do I do if I hard lose the line? For example: I gave first blood, then died two more times from gangs, then my jungler push the line and if I go back to the line, I die again. What to do, how to play? Does it make sense in this situation to stand in the distance without killing creeps and just get experience? Thanks for the answers.
  • Answers (4)

    Fruxo (330) | November 9, 2021 7:34am
    If you're very behind, it's better to stand safely behind your tower (so you can get back to it quickly in case of another repeat gank by the enemy) or just at your tower and try to get experience instead from afar and the gold that comes to your tower (incase they're freezing the lane this will still be hard). I would ask for a jungle gank but junglers will likely not gank lanes that are already losing when they can just repeat gank another lane that is already winning hard on your team.

    When you're behind the main focus is to not die even more and try to stop the bleeding for your team as much as you can, even if that means you'll have to give up minions (gold & exp) in order to not die.

    Hope it helps
    jack MILLER | March 23, 2023 12:03am
    try to handle the tower and learn the game first, if you are suffering from sleepiness you can buy armodafinil online
    smith22 | December 9, 2021 2:10am
    Don't be hurry at the start of the game give time to settle. Anyone who is suffering from insomnia or extreme daytime sleepiness then they can buy modafinil 200mg to reduce it and overcome it.
    Enzozm | November 25, 2021 8:19am
    Just play safe, make some gold and rally on your team mates to take of objectives.
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