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League of Legends (LoL) Question: is twitch good in the current meta?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Twitch 5,044

  • mjskid

    is twitch good in the current meta?

    Twitch is my favorite and i love to play him but i want to know if he is in a good spot in the current meta right now
  • Answers (1)

    MrMad2000 (41) | September 25, 2015 10:16am
    He's not in an awful spot, but he's not in the best spot he's ever been in. Hyper carries are really strong against tanky champions (and as of late, there are many tanks on the rift due to the Juggernauts, and the change from the Enchantment: Cinderhulk from Enchantment: Juggernaut meaning tanks are stronger.) Twitch is in a decent spot in the meta because there's not many lane bully ADCs being played at the moment except from Lucian. Twitch just needs the right matchup and needs to farm up for two items. Once he has those he can assassinate people. The issue (which makes him weak) is trying to get those two items before the enemy ADC picks up theirs.
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