Is Zoe a good champion to train on and get better with her?
Asked by HandsomePlate40 on November 5, 2020
So im not really a pro in League by any way as im kinda a new player who wants to main a champion, i got zoe as i wanted to become better with her but i want to make sure if it is worth it
After that check for champions that could work as the training wheels for the role you wanna play. If you wanna start playing ADC Miss Fortune would be a better first champ to pick up than Kalista, who requieres a lot more of mechanical skill.
Some of the champs that are easy to pick up on all roles are:
TOP: Garen, Darius, Mundo.
JG: Warwick, Rammus, Amumu.
MID: Annie, Malzahar, Lux.
ADC: Caitlyn, Ashe, Miss Fortune.
SUPP: Leona, Sona, Morgana.
A good champion to start with might be
To directly answer your question, there is absolutely nothing wrong with maining