League of Legends (LoL) Question: Karthus jungle?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Karthus Spirit of the Spectr 7,610
Karthus jungle?
In the most recent Pro Player Pick, Archie mentioned that one of his favorite junglers to play with is Karthus. I've heard of jungle Karthus before, and that it has been used by some pro team in the past (just can't think of the team), but I really didn't understand why he said jungle Karthus like its an ordinary pick. Is jungle Karthus popular in Asian solo q? If it is, why haven't I seen it in NA?
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is the first buy, and zhonya's and sorcerer's shoes should be picked up after, then rabadon's or whatever items you want. Traditional ap builds like void staff etc.
It is not popular because it is a situational pick. If they have someone like akali, you are just giving the enemy team free kills (almost literally). You will want to have some kind of bruiser / tank (usually) on your team, which usually comes from the jungler, so your going to have to have a laner pick one.
Finally, you HAVE to clear your jungle, and maximize your farm. By no means should you not gank, but karthus is a late game champion and needs that gold so he CAN be that terror when late game comes around.
Karthus jungle works because he has CC through Wall of Pain, and of course, Requiem to offer global damage - even if he is not ganking. Also, Karthus can steal damage after death through his passive, so even if he died during the gank, he can potentially pick up a kill to make it even.
The strong point about Karthus in the jungle is the huge amounts of damage that he can put out in his ganks. Lay Waste does double damage if it only hits one target, combine that with his slow is a dead mid laner.
Whats so special about this though is that because (like mentioned above) junglers are normally built tanky with utility, the laners do not expect so much damage to come in a gank.
As for the late game, it can go either way. If Karthus has a hard time early game, eg counter jungle, it can be very hard for him to make an impact late game. However if you do manage to pickup first blood or a few kills, you will snowball harder than almost any other champion in the game.
Checkout my guide here if you want to know more :)