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League of Legends (LoL) Question: New Female Tank?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Leona Poppy Sejuani 7,452

  • BlackRoseGirl

    New Female Tank?

    Ok, so it appears we have a VERY small amount of female tanks, with about 3 off-tanks(Illaoi, Shyvana, and Vi) 2 vanguards(Leona and Sejuani) and only ONE warden(Poppy)! Is there any hope that Riot will release a new female tank, preferably Top lane focused?
  • Answers (4)

    PedaTheConqueror | February 26, 2020 5:53am
    isnt rek'sai female as well? she can get quite tanky
    BlackRoseGirl (8) | February 27, 2020 9:06am
    Yes, that is a very good point! Rek'Sai IS a female and I do quite enjoy female tank junglers.
    (I'm thinking of getting Sejuani soon) However, I was (and still am) wondering when Riot will release a new female tank champion, specifically Top-Lane/Grasp of the Undying oriented.
    BlackRoseGirl (8) | February 27, 2020 9:08am
    Speaking of jungle, is your profile pic Hecarim?
    013black (1) | February 4, 2020 7:07am
    vi and leona is the best female tank. vi can be played as jg or top and leona can be play as sp or jg. in sort, you can play what ever role you want.
    Ir.Defender (7) | February 2, 2020 11:43pm
    Everything is possible, Why not.
    We have some good options in Lore aswell, who knows when we can see next female tank.
    As for this season we have a new jungler and another familiar face confirmed for now.
    BlackRoseGirl (8) | February 27, 2020 9:07am
    Nice! Any ideas as to who they will be?
    Ir.Defender (7) | February 27, 2020 12:50pm
    Tianna is the best Character for becoming new female Tank champ.
    TetraJax | January 26, 2020 5:08am
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