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League of Legends (LoL) Question: noob help

Posted in General 2,860

  • kander5799

    noob help

    Hey guys i rly suck and desperately want to get better. I have played quite a bit but am still awful. can anyone offer any advise?
  • Answers (6)

    That Trev Person (77) | November 27, 2012 8:17am
    In general, you can learn a lot about the strategy and mentality of high level players by watching videos or streams and constantly questioning WHY they do what they do. Just seeing them do it isn't as good as understanding why they do it. A large portion of this game is understanding the mechanics behind each action, and being able to implement it for maximum benefit at the right time.

    The best advice I ever got was: Always play to win, and play with the expectation to learn something new.

    If you adopt that mentality completely, you WILL learn something new every game.
    Banishedd (6) | December 5, 2012 8:41am
    Read some guides, and try to focus on one specific champion. Hopefully you learn all you needed to know about them, you win some games, you improve, and then you continue to expand you knowledge, on other champions as well. Test out games with bots if you are having too much trouble initially going head to head with other players.
    Arkillion (1) | December 3, 2012 2:35pm
    You need to be more specific.. Help about what? Laning? Farming? Jungling?


    Ward Tribrush or River by Baron
    Back if you're too far pushed
    Roam if you've pushed too hard to avoid ganks and to help your team
    Take jungle camps if pushed too hard if it doesn't set you back
    Do not push top tower in the first 10-15 minutes, it reduces your safety to farm if they freeze the lane
    Don't always push the lane to their tower when they go b, they might freeze it and you will lose cs/get zoned
    Help with drake if needed.

    Get blue at 7:30-7:50 if you need it, ask for it nicely
    Take wraiths if you can if you're a good AoE clearer (anivia/karthus/cassiopeia)
    Roam mid and look for ganks if possible.
    Ward the brushes by bluebuff if Blue side or Red, depending on which side is closest to you.


    Zone if possible e.g. Blitz (go in and out of brushes)
    Ward Tribrush/Dragon alot, also get a pink ward for Dragon when you and your jungler wanna take it.
    Do lane match ups prior (Nunu Caitlyn, Nunu Kogmaw, Taric Graves, Blitzcrank Ezreal, etc)
    Exhaust the AD Carry only.
    Build gp10s and support items, Aegis of the Legion, Shurelia's Reverie, Zeke's Herald, depending on your team really. Got a Skarner? Shurelia's and he can go Aegis. Got loads of bruisers or melee based champions? Zeke's


    Wraiths - Red - Wolves - Wraiths - Blue - Wolves - Wraiths - Golems - Back
    Wolves - Blue - Wraiths - Wolves - Red - Golems - Back
    Remove Golems if you can't do those too.

    Invade their wraiths often and ward them if needed, don't always build Wriggle's if you don't need too, helps with baron and dragon though.
    ShortyHUN (40) | November 28, 2012 7:09am
    Depends on a lot.
    • The champion you play doesn't suits you
    • Not knowing your champion well
    • Not knowing champions well generally
    • Not enough experience
    • Bad teamwork
    • Bad strategies
    Watch lot of high lvl matches, if possible spectate some of your friends who are good. And don't be afraid to ask stuff from others, it's better then being a potato...
    Learn to think ahead of the enemy, practice timing and strategies for your champion, or practice these by playing strategy heavy games beside LoL.
    And always adopt to the situation.

    If you have any questions feel free to pm.
    lekijocds | November 26, 2012 8:05pm
    Yeah, if you are low lvl you will get better by playing more. If you are high level make another account and play again from lvl 1

    You can watch videos to get the idea of the game, there are a lot in youtube :/
    androsynth | November 29, 2012 10:22pm
    I found that it helped me with my fundamentals. You get to work on things like positioning, last-hitting, etc and all against other humans.
    PsiGuard (1495) | November 28, 2012 11:45am
    Wait, what?  How would making a smurf account help you improve at all?
    throatslasher (248) | November 26, 2012 7:58pm
    what level are you
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