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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Optimal Rengar build?

Posted in Items | Tags: Rengar 3,408

  • I want to be a Blitzball

    Optimal Rengar build?

    I've been seeing a lot of different ways to build Rengar. Feral Flare or Spirit of the Elder Lizard? Cdr/tank or full damage? When you should build what or which's more effective during the majority of the time?
  • Answers (2)

    CrazedSpartan | September 28, 2014 7:50am
    Feral Flare of Spirit of the Elder Lizard decesion really comes down too, am I going to have the luxury of farming my jungle this game? If not Spirit gives you more damage short term that will help you snowball. I have tried various Rengar builds and I still think full damage early to mid game and bruiser late game is the best way to go. Ravenous Hydra in my opinion is a must! It helps your clears, helps your pushing, and makes it extremely easy to pop the squish, which is what your made to do!

    This is just a general idea tho and sometimes you will need to go full CDR Tank and other times you need to go Full AD **** your face awesome sauce, just be the judge of the best time to do that. ^.^ hope that helped
    RottedApples (57) | September 28, 2014 7:39am
    As many Doran's Blade's as possible
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