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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Ranked border thing

Posted in General 13,159

  • ShortyHUN

    Ranked border thing

    Umm.. stupid question but from silver on i'm gonna have that fancy border right? I mean they still update and not something left from last season.
  • Answers (3)

    Satella (177) | April 9, 2013 12:47pm
    The borders are Season 2 rewards. They will not change even if your season 3 standings improve.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | April 9, 2013 2:11pm
    The border that you may see around summoner are S2 Awards, and will not change because S2 is over. As unfortunate as it may be to those fast climbers, this is just the way it works.
    LiLStormcloaK (72) | April 9, 2013 12:18pm
    No, you will have the border you got at the the beginning of the season for the rest of the season even if you went from bronze to diamond.
    Aseafy (25) | April 9, 2013 8:49pm
    that's the only kind of system that works ... It's not even close to ******ed. It's your reward for doing well (sort of) in last season.
    ShortyHUN (40) | April 9, 2013 12:57pm
    Thats ******ed...
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