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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Runes and Item on Shaco

Posted in Items | Tags: Nashor's Tooth Shaco 3,676

  • XxDUCKxX

    Runes and Item on Shaco

    Greetings, I’m Shaco Meiner and I play with runes through a comet. My question is it possible to collect Nashor's Tooth on Shaco? Or can I leave the proto-belt? Thanks in advance for the answer :)
  • Answers (1)

    Tauricus2017 (120) | May 3, 2020 2:47pm
    Heloo :)
    Well, Nashor's Tooth isn't really a good option to go for with Arcane Comet Shaco. It is not really a bad item (there are still worse) but it is relatively expensive and Shaco isn't really a champion that can dish out very good value out of it's passive (also it is quite confronting a reason you went for Arcane Comet...). Also you sure CAN leave Hextech Rocketbelt. It is a fine item on Shaco but If you don't feel comfortable playing with this item, well then just buy something else, there are many good items you can replace it with like Morellonomicon, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, etc.)
    For more information about runes and itemization go here or here. Hope I helped at least a bit, have a good day and good luck with Shaco <3
    XxDUCKxX (1) | May 4, 2020 1:19am
    Thank you so much for the answer. I play Comet because I really like it, especially when someone comes across my box and a comet flies to him. Very funny to watch this XD. Thanks for the help with the items, I am very glad that they helped. Good luck :3
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