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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Should Sona be nerfed?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Sona 5,036

  • LordDecius

    Should Sona be nerfed?

    My main bet for a win as support is Sona. I barely even have to put in any effort to end up with a score like (10/1/27), and I am no professional. When I play against her, I get smeared all over the Rift's floor. I know there are ways to counter her, but is she too strong with her Q and R to be a buff granting support? Perhaps a nerfing is in order, even though I would have to find a new main...
  • Answers (2)

    FalseoGod (316) | January 12, 2015 5:05am
    No, although she has been nerfed on PBE (Q damage + base movement speed) and might get nerfed live once the patch deploys.

    Sona, pretty much like her boobs, is like a balloon that you can pop easily. She is pretty nice as a poke champion (Sona/Caitlyn is a really strong poke lane), but she falls a bit short to Nami as fishlady can also poke and has more relavant CC in my opinion, even if Crescendo can be really strong.

    The key to laning against sona is picking a support with hard engage/bursty ADC or preferably both. Leona + Graves/ Lucian/ Corki can aggressively take her out or zone her if your adc isn't stupid and doesn't eat every single Q while the leona player misses all of her combos.

    Sona isn't OP in the slightest, she's just annoying.
    FalseoGod (316) | January 12, 2015 9:52am
    There's a "context on Sona nerfs" note somewhere after last patch on Surrender@20. They say her Q damage is too high and that she doesn't allow a lot of response in lane due to her MS, while not wanting to hit her HP/Resistances.

    She's not top tier at all, so idk why Riot is concerned about this. I guess too many Tear of the Goddess?
    Jovy (954) | January 12, 2015 5:30am
    Is she really getting nerfed? She's not even considered to be top tier, is she?

    Guessing the MS nerf might maybe entice people to get E earlier than level 10 now, and thus delay heal and Q.
    utopus (313) | January 12, 2015 9:25am

    If nothing else, you can cheese the hell out of her in lane. She's so unbelievably squishy.
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