I recently played 2 different games, SR & TT and in the both matches enemy had no AP champion, all AD. Still I bought
Wit's End because of habit... Instead I thought I could get another DPS item like
Phantom Dancer or
Statikk Shiv. Please explain me the use of it, except it's bonus MR and why I should buy it?
1. His ultimate cannot crit (so Phantom Dancer and Statikk Shiv might not be the best options ever)
2. His ultimate deals 200% damage based on his bonus AD, but he hits 5 times in the mean while, dealing only 40% with each attack.
3. Apply on hit items however, will strike 5 times for the full amount. Thus they are more efficient, since other items will deal less damage for him in his ultimate. (+ Apply on hit items grant overal more survival, since Wit's End for example grants MR, and BotRK grants sustain)
So why Wit's End, why not other apply on hit items?
Let's take a look at all damaging apply on hit items:
* Malady (Based on your AP, since you probably do not build WW AP, it is not worth it)
* Wit's End (Great early game damage and provides a nice amount of MR)
* spirit of the lizard elder (Works also quite well actually, grants no AS for early 1v1's though)
* Sheen + upgrades (Sheen effect is okay, but it will only apply once on his ultimate. Also, the upgrade Iceborn Gauntlet is better replaced by Frozen Mallet, and Trinity Force is way to expensive for an "okay" item on WW)
* Blade of the Ruined King (It deals % damage, making it early game not as useful as late game)
Overal, Wit's End grants one of the most early game damage as an apply on hit being.
That is the reason that a lot of WW's rush this item. There are some other good alternatives, but they might be better to take later in the game :D
Please explain me the use of it, except it's bonus MR and why I should buy it? :P
That is the reason that a lot of WW's rush this item. There are some other good alternatives, but they might be better to take later in the game :D"
You forgot the good magic resistance thingy ಠ_ಠ
But I personally prefer BOTRK over wits