League of Legends (LoL) Question: Specific support's first gold income item?
Posted in Items | Tags:
Ancient Coin
Relic Shield
Spellthief's Edge

Specific support's first gold income item?
As in support
Nidalee, I've been torn between
Spellthief's Edge and
Ancient Coin. Her
Javelin Toss will hurt a lot with edge, but they are also unreliable. (I know she's getting a rework soon but it's nice to know.)
Leona, I'm not sure on which situations to pick up
Ancient Coin over my preferred
Relic Shield.
Soraka, to shove bananas down people's throats (edge) or to sit back and heal? (coin)



Anyway, on leona always start relic, soraka spellthief and don't play support nidalee at all. Your team will hate you for doing it.
If you insist on playing it, I'd go for spellthief because it of course also procs on AA's.
If you are playing passive/tanky support you probably want to go with
Ap heavier/poke supports go for
Worst start