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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Support Ahri?

Tags: Ahri Athene's Unholy Grai Frost Queen's Claim Frostfang Rylai's Crystal Scep Spellthief's Edge 8,265

  • Everglaid

    Support Ahri?

    Since the meta is shifting towards having non-conventional supports be pretty much mages, (Annie is the most mentionable) could Ahri fit this role? She gets a good amount of gold with her strong poking + Spellthief's, and the AP off it lets her transition to an (weaker) AP carry late/mid game.

    If she were support, I would imagine a utility styled build, with Rylai's and Athene's- for maximum poking and kiting.

    Ahri was a mediocre support pre-nerf (3.13?) but it seems to be viable once more.
  • Answers (3)

    PsiGuard (1495) | January 3, 2014 1:31am
    She has one single-target CC that can be blocked by minions or dodged. I don't see what she really brings to bot lane other than being a potential AP carry if she somehow gets kills. Doesn't seem more appealing than any other AP champion.

    Annie support was already strong in season 3 because she has high base damage and a really strong, reliable stun. I don't think Ahri has the same characteristics.
    Fat_fast (11) | January 3, 2014 4:26am
    Ahri is rather weak at support, she won't worth much without complete AP carry dedication build anyway.

    If you like mage support, Leblanc, Syndra or Lux could fit the bill nicely. Actually anyone that can benefit a lot from CDR can be a viable support at this stage.
    DKitten (78) | January 3, 2014 4:24am
    I have run Ahri support in the AllForOne mode, and yes, I had an ADC Ahri with me. Those Dariuses didn't know what hit them at Lv1.

    But yeah, Thresh would be a better support than her. He still has the hook, but though his poke is shorter range, he has far more CC and tankiness. He can also do a fair bit of damage without building damage items... Ahri really needs her items to scale into decent damage.
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