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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The best item build for master yi?

Tags: Master Yi 8,686

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    The best item build for master yi?

    Any suggestions? Crit, AD, tanky?
  • Answers (5)

    Sulphurius | October 28, 2016 4:42am
    What about:
    1.Mercury Treads/Ninja tabi
    3.Frozen Mallet
    4.Titanic Hydra
    5.Phantom Dancer
    6.Blade of the Ruined King?
    Tsunami10 (1) | October 21, 2016 9:36am
    I rather do a Atack Speed + Movement + Critical.
    I build :
    Berserker's Greaves
    Statikk Shiv
    Infinity Edge
    Essence Reaver
    Phantom Dancer
    Death's Dance

    That's a 100% Critical + I. Edge, which is good, and Atack Speed + Movement, to ult.
    GingerNinja03 | August 28, 2016 5:33pm
    Personally, there is is build on moba fire giving you 100% critical and 40% cdr which i like, however i've found it hard staying afloat early game I absolutely LOVE ad, as if u build it with items such as Blade of the Ruined King and Ghostblade its great. IF u build ad just remember to ult before every gank and if they stick around its a surefire kill
    DonnerDinerParty | August 27, 2016 5:47pm
    My persomal fav is Tankyi
    LoLCable (5) | August 26, 2016 5:06am
    What role are you playing him in? Jungle? Then build the Bloodrazor jg item, and then from there you can orient your build with what the opposing team is going. Go critical chance way, and do massive amounts of damage. Statikk Shiv Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge. For damage build, just go the same attack speed type of build, then get Blade of the Ruined King Bloodthirster and other damage items, sorry if you want me to go more in depth. Just message me on here
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