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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Vladimir farming

Posted in Champions | Tags: Vladimir 7,324

  • BuGzYY

    Vladimir farming

    Vladimir"s early farming is very hard for me, is there any tips to how to farm effectively as Vladimir when you are getting shoved in under tower
  • Answers (3)

    VexRoth (78) | May 25, 2018 9:04am
    When farming under turret, early game you should also be able to double tap Tides of Blood in order to do 1 AA worth of damage to all of the caster minions. Assuming you don't have a wave around also doing damage to the minions this should let you pick up the the caster minions after one tower shot and another AA.
    BuGzYY | May 25, 2018 9:06am
    been trying to do the one AA and then wait for the tower to hit, getting better at it but when im using tides of blood i go into the middle of the wave and i usually get poked hard especially by yasuo. Yasuo is like in every match i play xd
    VexRoth (78) | May 25, 2018 11:27am
    BuGzYY wrote:
    been trying to do the one AA and then wait for the tower to hit, getting better at it but when im using tides of blood i go into the middle of the wave and i usually get poked hard especially by yasuo. Yasuo is like in every match i play xd

    IIRC Vladimir should be able to beat Yasuo or at least there are times that Vlad has won that match-up. There are some youtube vids floating around on how to win vs Yas. IIRC you have to be aggressive and keep his flow shield down with your autotattacks and let him have it with your Q especially when it is empowered. I think Q might not get blocked by his wind while though Tides definitely does, so you have to play around it as in walk through it before releasing it for the damage. Later when Yas gets his tornado every 3 seconds I believe it gets much harder and you have to use your pool and possibly Zhonyas to outplay him. Most Yasuos will not build MR early so your damage will mess him up since sans flow shield he builds glass cannon and his mobility doesn't matter against Q.
    Hamstertamer (74) | May 24, 2018 10:04am
    Prep the minions. Autoattack them once before the tower hits them, and once the tower hits, get your second autoattack in to get the last hit.
    Ranged minions : 1 tower hit + 2 autoattacks
    Melee minions : 2 tower hits + 2 autoattacks
    BuGzYY | May 24, 2018 10:10am
    Ok i will try that as i usually do one hit auto attack after the tower hits and it doesn't kill the minion, thx for the tip :)
    FupiDupi (7) | May 24, 2018 9:39am
    What runes do you take? You could consider taking Minion Dematerializer so you don't miss cannons
    BuGzYY | May 24, 2018 9:40am
    I take domination as primary with predator, on secondary i usually take sorcery to get some late game dmg with gathering storm
    FupiDupi (7) | May 24, 2018 10:14am
    Thought so. You might just have to practice last hitting in general and save your Q and E for things like cannon minions. All you can really do is prep them so that they only take 1 auto to kill before tower finishes em off
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