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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What do you max first on Kha'zix?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kha'Zix 18,307

  • TheNakedBoy

    What do you max first on Kha'zix?

    Hi, I wanted to play Kha'Zix for a while and I'm thinking to give it a try. Should I max/evolve first, Q or W now? And what about the build? Do you still build Muramana first or do you change or build according with you first evolved skill?

    Thanks a lot :)
  • Answers (3)

    NinjaGinge (90) | July 22, 2013 9:27pm
    Before the change I always leveled and evolved W

    Now that the W no longer applies his passive I actually rarely evolve W. As far as what I level it depends almost entirely on how the other person is playing. It's almost always Q or W. Evolving is almost always Q or E unless I'm getting poked hard.

    Kha is in a really versatile spot in regard to his abilities
    PsiGuard (1495) | July 22, 2013 6:07pm
    I haven't seen a lot of Kha'Zixes since his change but I've played a few games with him trying out the Q evolution. It seems like a pretty good option right now. I would suggest maxing W if necessary for laning, otherwise maxing Q first and W second. Evolve Q first, E second and either W or R third depending on whether you need the W poke or not.

    The build should be the same. Muramana, Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, stuff like that.
    Kaggboer2012 (19) | July 22, 2013 12:02pm
    most of the time maxing and evolving w is the way to go. you always get muramana once your tear is fully stacked (not before).
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