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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What does Spirit Visage healing/shielding affect?

Posted in Items | Tags: Spirit Visage 2,333

  • Vighar

    What does Spirit Visage healing/shielding affect?

    Spirit Visage affects: Lifesteal, omnivamp, physical vamp, and healing from champs, jungle item, etc. But does it affect the following: Barrier sum, Heal sum, Triumpth heal, health plant, grasp heal, second wind?
  • Answers (3)

    irelia support | January 25, 2022 6:52am
    Yes but keep in mind it only increases the heal for the person with spirit visage item. Spirit visage with a Yuumi is good however Yuumi should not build it herself.
    Metallichydra (20) | November 18, 2021 9:17am
    It affects any and all healing.
    So, yes, Spirit visage affects Barrier, Heal, Triumph, honeyfruit, Grasp of the Undying and Second Wind.
    Tui_0223 | April 1, 2022 8:45am
    It affects all healing and shielding if I'm right.
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