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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Who counters Vi?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Vi 39,426

  • CHZ. Spellzy

    Who counters Vi?

    I'm wondering, who counters Vi?
  • Answers (13)

    GrandmasterD (531) | December 17, 2012 10:13am
    Presumably champions having shields, high base health and who have sustain. Enemies with AS slows such as Lee Sin, Malphite and Darius should prove very effective. Also I can see do enemies with CC or range doing well such as Jax and Vladimir.
    Komokara | December 21, 2012 6:39am
    Sion countered me when I played VI, his lifesteal was too much for me to handle. If you can dominate him before level 6, you might be fed enough to not be effected
    Hogopogo (157) | December 20, 2012 4:14pm
    What about Sion?
    DaEpicLegened (1) | December 20, 2012 1:29am
    this seems right , people with big area slows and cc can prevent her q and premept r (has to be cast before she uses) and sheild, heals and speed also works out well
    FalseoGod (316) | December 17, 2012 10:50am
    I assume Teemo and Kayle are both able to disengage her and resume harassing. Also, from what I've seen, Singed can toy with her a nice deal.
    Kamil118 | May 27, 2014 11:17am
    from my games playing Vi, i can say that Teemo and Kayle(especialy her) are one of the easyest kills
    DeathGrip | December 21, 2012 6:49pm
    I was fighting a singed and like.. yea singed sucks vs Vi
    Jirajha | December 20, 2012 8:31am
    Past-6 Teemo is not a real enemy for Vi imo.
    She can easily counter his Blind with her R and then burst him down with the E. Teemo only has a chance with the stealth-advantage and bush control then.

    But u have to have a good start and early support from the jungler to keep playing that agressive to zone him out from any farm and exp to reach 6 earlier.
    GrandmasterD (531) | December 18, 2012 4:32am
    I'd assume Teemo does well but if Vi reaches 6 without any real problems; her ult could cause major trouble for him.
    ProjectL (18) | December 20, 2012 9:32am
    probably Vladmir,his W can really mess her up when she tries to engage for a trade and in exchange you get some health

    other champions with good evasion skills(like Wukong,Shaco...) and champions with shields(like Maplhite,Lee Sin...) can be a trouble for her
    GrandmasterD (531) | December 20, 2012 4:17pm
    Vlad beats her. Just flat out.
    patlanzi (1) | December 20, 2012 4:07pm
    vladimir cant. I tried.... She use Q and goes back. i can only hit her shield. and also if i use W befora her Q, it drops same hp like she hit...
    HoodedSummoner | December 20, 2012 3:59pm
    Pretty sure Yorick would be a strong pick against her.
    RainbowD4sh | January 19, 2013 10:00pm
    Just like against almost every champion in LoL.
    Skurge | January 23, 2013 7:47pm
    Depends on how Vi is played. Jungle Vi. Anyone who has a silence and massive burst dmg. wait for Vi to Q in silence before she can roll her E then burst burst burst. Malz and Kass come to mind

    Solo top. If Vi doesnt build right shes has no sustainablity. Sure she can get into combat easy. Or out, But not both. I have had huge success with jungle Vi. havnt been to big on solo top but anyone who counter her W stacks from building. So anyone who can engage disengage and engage again
    patlanzi (1) | December 20, 2012 4:10pm
    Wukong counter well. when she charging Q, you can see her hand shining, and use W to escape. maybe its easy way to caunter her.
    Thatdudeinthecotton (66) | December 18, 2012 7:52am
    Id say people who can turret hug, or snipe with little issues. A passive nidalee, or xerath maybe.
    Also some stealth champs with enough burst could be trouble for her.
    MoarShrooms | December 21, 2012 9:15pm
    I just played a Kayle game. I beat the Vi pretty easily solo top.

    Also, when she charges toward me, I just slow, heal and run away.
    DeathGrip | December 21, 2012 6:47pm
    OMG Nasus counter's her too hard... played vs my freind who never play nasus and I never played Vi and we went 1v1 and he won all 3 time's :(
    Lattekahvi | December 21, 2012 8:42am
    i played against wi with garen, while first my team accused me of troll pick that was kinda good choice as garens q wrecks her combo and you can always use that cc reduction shield
    Prof. Luigi | May 24, 2013 7:03am
    But that passive W effect still hurts pretty bad and silencing doesn't do anything to that.
    Pelikins (44) | December 20, 2012 6:27am
    I think Vi will play in lane very similarly to Riven or Renekton.

    She has very good closing ability. I expect to see her initiating trades.

    That said, people who trade well back will likely counter her and those who have issues when closed upon will probably be countered by her.

    I'd suspect WW, Olaf, and Lee Sin to counter her pretty hard.

    I'd think that she'd counter Nid, Teemo, and Wu...
    zumafour2zero (9) | December 24, 2012 2:26pm
    just a quick remark on teemo, teemo actually counters her due two ranged poke, blind that stops her W and E, and a speed boost to dodge her Q and help kite.
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