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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why do you think Wukong hasn't reach the competitive scene?

Posted in General | Tags: Wukong 7,515

  • thrashmaniac92

    Why do you think Wukong hasn't reach the competitive scene?

    I have played a few games with the Monkey King lately, and I am wondering why he isn't seen at the top levels of the game. Can you guys throw some insight about that?

    P.S: Sorry about my english.
  • Answers (3)

    Fousek (4) | January 19, 2014 4:23pm
    Curse and Coast used him as jungler in LCS super week. He is not exactly fiting in current Meta but his gank and AoE knock up are really strong.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | January 18, 2014 5:59am
    Alright I looked up your match history, and you seem to be playing Wukong top lane. I first want to suggest that you give him a try as a jungler. The build for Wukong jungle is usually Spirit of the Elder Lizard + The Brutalizer + Randuin's Omen + more defensive items.

    Wukong hasn't reached the competitive scene for top lane is that right now the meta favors tanks who do sustained damage or have strong sustain, and frankly Wukong doesn't really fit this meta. Additionally, Wukong isn't the safest of picks in terms of match-ups at the moment. Wukong has armor shred and all but one of the main problems that he faces is that he has mana unlike some of the strongest top laners right now such as Dr. Mundo and Renekton. His teamfight transition is definitely a lot stronger than most top laners, but he isn't an innate tank and will just blow up if you prioritize damage.

    Wukong has been played in the challgener scene as a jungler before (I believe he lost though). Firstly, since it seems like you haven't played him in the jungle, I will explain to you why it works. Wukong has pretty manageable mana costs in the jungle and his clear time speeds up with Spirit of the Elder Lizard. His ganks before level six are simply just a lot of damage compared to the other junglers that are popular at the moment such as Lee Sin and Elise who have some form of crowd control. His ganks before level six are probably his biggest downfall as a jungler. However, after Wukong hits level six he begins to be a force to be reckoned with. Wukong's teamfighting as a level six jungler is considered to be one of the strongest in the game for obvious reasons. Once Wukong has his ultimate it makes him a lot stronger with counter-ganks as well.

    Honestly, I wouldn't be that surprised if a Wukong jungle is pulled out with a Yasuo sometime in the competitive scene. On the other hand, Wukong top just doesn't seem to fit the META very well right now.
    thrashmaniac92 (2) | January 20, 2014 10:34am
    I played Wukong jungle a couple times in S3, and while he seemed pretty strong, I don't feel very comfortable jungling.
    Vengenator (61) | January 17, 2014 7:43pm
    Wukong is a very poke sort of champion, dash in, hit, get out. He's closer to an AD bruiser than an auto-attacker. Also, his early game is quite weak, considering his e+q+w combo costs 150 out of his 300 mana. Just one combo costing half your mana bar is quite a large amount. You could try to duel it out with his e attack speed steriod and q armor reduction, but with most tops starting dorans shield these days it's not very effective to do auto-attack duels, especially if they can duel really well (ie. Riven) All that aside he's extremely stong mid game with his whole combo he can decimate the carry and disrupt the entire enemy team.
    Vengenator (61) | January 17, 2014 7:45pm
    Forgot to mention he has no sustain whatsoever
    Vengenator (61) | January 17, 2014 7:44pm
    There are better options
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