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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Zoe counters

Posted in Champions | Tags: Zoe 7,653

  • KillerPocoyo

    Zoe counters

    Who is a zoe counter?
  • Answers (6)

    darkowl_69 | January 15, 2018 1:44am
    fizz, taliyah, malzhar, diana are good counters for zoe
    Pure Panphobia (33) | January 12, 2018 6:56am
    Take Cleanse as a summoner spell and build a QSS. If you do that and you're strong on a champion/have good positioning, you'll be fine against her. Alternate between Cleanse and QSS to break the Sleep. Stacking that on Malzahar for example gives you 3 chances to avoid being slept, which is where most of her damage comes from.
    Biperspectival (6) | January 10, 2018 1:30pm
    Maokai is fun to play against her. You can dodge her E easily, heal through her Q damage, and her lack of escapes lets you destroy her every time your jungler comes. Plus your botlane ganks are really strong. Obviously don't play this if the rest of your team doesn't have damage.

    Note, not saying this is a great idea, but it is fun when you get your combos off on her.
    Redslimeking (2) | January 9, 2018 6:33am
    I'd say Braum if you're playing against a support Zoe as most of her damage comes in one package which means that Braum's E can block all of it.
    _PixelTinker_ | January 9, 2018 3:14am
    Krayvern (3) | January 8, 2018 5:06pm
    Honestly, Zoe is in a really strong place right now, so I'd say play another champion in a strong place like Kat or Fizz. I'd think Fizz would do a good job against her with his mobility, and Kat is just OP. Fight fire with fire.
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